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Neck training: The forgotten muscle

Neck training: The forgotten muscle

No athlete is immune from injury and bodybuilding is no exception. Well-developed neck muscles that can withstand serious stress are one of the main components that greatly increases the chances of avoiding trouble. Surely, the muscle tissues in this area can be trained through a number of exercises, say, with pull or overhead press, but the stress in this case is indirect. Is there a way to build a champion neck while minimizing the risk of injury? The best solution here is to use a special leather head harness. This forgotten nick muscle is not only required within bodybuilding, but mainly within the sports of MMA and Boxing of all types. Here these fighters need good neck muscle to be able to withstand a punch or kick from the other opponent without receiving “whiplash” or a torn neck muscle!

Peculiarities of the structure of the erector muscles group

In order to train the muscles of the neck, the best effect can be achieved by performing exercises with weights. It is for this purpose that a special leather harness is designed.

The group of erector spinae muscles consists of several components. Along the spine there is the longest muscle that rises from the thoracic vertebrae to the cervical vertebrae and on to the head. From the first 6 ribs, the iliocostal muscle goes up which is attached to the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae (the 4th and the 5th) through the tendons. The splenius muscle of the head holds in place and covers the deep muscle fibers of the neck.

Training the semispinalis muscles of the neck and head is extremely important for building strength and mass in the neck. The first goes from the transverse processes of the 6 upper thoracic vertebrae to the spinous processes of the cervical vertebrae, from the 5th to the 2nd.

The semispinalis muscle of the head extends from the upper and lower cervical and thoracic vertebrae, as well as from the transverse processes of the upper thoracic and lower cervical vertebrae and is attached to the occipital bone of the skull.

In the anterolateral part of the neck there is the sternocleidomastoid muscle which has the form of a broad band that rises obliquely to the mastoid process on the temporal bone of the skull from the sternocleidomastoid junction. There is an inner and an outer surface also within this muscle.

From the spinous processes of the cervical vertebrae and from the base of the skull in front and obliquely downward to the outer third of the clavicle bone, the trapezius muscle bundles converge. It helps to straighten the neck and head when the shoulder girdle is stabilized (that is, it cannot be lifted), such as when performing a shrug.

What is a leather harness for neck training?

This accessory is a product made of leather, to which weighting elements are attached with intermediate chains. The maximum permissible load is 100 kilograms. Such a device can be successfully used both in the gym and at home. It is worth noting that the advantages of the harness also include the low cost, low weight and compactness.

Training process for the neck

The first step is to fix the harness on the head, with the chains hanging over the chest. Next, you need to fix the weights onto the chains and stand on a block or on a low bench. The exercise should be done as follows:

  1. Bend forward at 45 degrees, rest your hands on your hips (knees slightly bent with your back straight).
  2. Bend your head, bringing your chin close to your chest (you should feel a good stretching of the neck muscles).
  3. Overcoming the resistance of the weight, raise your head slowly, trying to look at the ceiling in the upper point, stay in that position for 2 counts, then return to the starting position slowly.
  4. Raise your head again, but in doing so, turn your chin in an arched curve to the left and up (in the upper point your head is turned to the right, try to look at the ceiling), stay in that position for 2 counts, lower your chin, return to the starting position.
  5. Turn your chin to the right (the third repetition), raise your head in the left position, pause again for 2 counts, return to the starting position.
  6. In the final step, the weights should be put down on the floor or bench with the erector muscles being stretched.

The above steps outline the entire triple sequence which should be repeated 12 to 15 times. This is one set. All movements during the exercise must be slow. It is allowed to increase the stretch by gently pressing with your hands on the head in the area of the back of the head. Before moving on to the rest phase, you should hold the stretch for about 10 seconds.

Keep in mind that during training with the harness, no sudden movements or jerks are allowed. Ignoring this recommendation can lead to serious injury due to unwanted movements in the cervical vertebrae. At the same time, stabilization of the shoulders (as in the case of the shrugs) will increase the efficiency of the upper trapezius fibers as straighteners of the neck.

Many bodybuilders also recommend to buy Aromex and EQ 300  to get fast results.


It is possible that neck training will not bring a beneficial effect as fast as everyone who is into bodybuilding or boxing would like it to be, and no one can be 100% safe from getting injured. However, using a leather harness will definitely bring its benefits, as even though you won’t see your neck without the help of a mirror, its magnificence will not escape the eyes of others. The vast majority of bodybuilders ignore the muscle group that they cannot activate while posing, but you shouldn’t take their example. One of the main points here is the ability to avoid injury that can become an insurmountable obstacle on the way to achieving the set goals, which is of utmost importance for an athlete.

It is important to start with a low weight and make sure that you can perform a set with little discomfort, as adding too much weight too fast, can lead to injuries within the people whose neck muscles are week and not used to this exercise. On the other hand, if you need help in strengthening these muscles and your progress is slow, even after using this exercise for a long period. Substances such as synthetic testosterone can be used to allow for greater strength and recoveries to take place when performing these vital exercises.

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