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How to load the glute muscles?

How to load the glute muscles?

Although the glutes belong to the largest muscle groups in the body, they are often weak and poorly developed.

This is due to our modern lifestyle in which there is virtually no movement that strengthens the gluteal muscles and all squats typically end at armchair level.

Regardless of your level of fitness, if you squat and exercise your glutes regularly, you will develop the right muscles and give them a nice trim shape.

Squats: Working muscles

The gluteal muscle group includes three muscles: Gluteus maximus muscle, gluteus medius muscle, and the gluteus minimus muscle. The last two help move your hips away from the midline of your body. The largest muscle is responsible for the rounded shape of your buttocks.

Although you can pump up these muscles, genetics also plays some role in creating size.

Development of muscles will only occur if you exercise them regularly. Exercises that are aimed at working out the buttocks often also involve the anterior and posterior thigh muscles, so it is important to isolate the gluteal muscles during exercises so that all work is not performed by the hips.

Deep squats with a suitable load help you feel the isolation of the gluteal muscles.

Tip: To build up the glute muscles, many female athletes use Anavar to help and pump up their buttocks, as this substance allows for tight muscle growth to be promoted within the female body. Many male athletes use Turinabol or Metaprime for the same reasons.


How to load the gluteal muscles?

The most effective way to develop the glutes is through strength exercises. Experienced athletes should use dumbbells or a barbell. Strength training develops the glutes when working with heavy weights, while during isolation exercises lower weights are used to fully load the muscle.

If you are a beginner, use your body weight or light free weights and gradually increase the load.

Cardio exercises are mainly aimed at improving your general fitness, but if you choose the right type of exercise, it will also help in developing the right muscles. Pay attention to the cardio exercises that involve the glutes such as:

  • All kinds of ladder exercises, as well as stair steppers;
  • Jogging or walking on an incline treadmill;
  • Working on an elliptical trainer with a high incline;
  • Cycling and sprinting.

Increase the resistance of the exerciser to really activate the glute muscles. However, too much cardio exercises can have a negative effect on muscle building, so the duration of such workouts should be no more than 30 minutes.

Along with the right selection of exercises, you should follow an effective program. Cardio exercises can be done daily, 5 days a week. Strength training should be done no more than three days a week, as you are training a specific body part.

Start with a 5-10 minute warm-up, then do a strength workout. Perform 3 to 6 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions per exercise. The weight used should be heavy enough so that you cannot do more than 12 reps. Continue with cardio and finish with isolation exercises to load your glutes enough.

For each isolation exercise, perform 2 or 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions.


How to perform squats correctly?

Squats are crucial for shaping your glutes. Remember: Even if you did 100 squats, but not correctly, you will not get any results.

Here is how to squat correctly to build up your glutes:

  • Stand with your feet shoulder width apart for proper balance. A wider stance would involve the inside of your thighs more, resulting in less glute work;
  • Slowly bend your knees and lower into a squat position, keeping your back straight and pulling your chin up. Your knees should not extend beyond your toes. The goal is to have your hips at least parallel to the floor. The deeper you squat, the more the glutes are engaged;
  • The squat position should feel as natural as sitting in a chair. Pause at the lowest point for 2-3 seconds and then push your heels off the floor to return to a standing position;
  • Perform three working sets of 8-10 repetitions.

Squats can be performed with or without added resistance. Squats without added weight help develop muscular endurance, while weighted exercises help build strength and muscle size.

For weights, use a barbell on your shoulders, dumbbells or a weight plate with a moderate weight sufficient to achieve the desired number of repetitions while maintaining the correct form of the performed exercise.

Additional exercises for the glutes

Squats are not the only exercise to pump up the glutes. Basic exercises use several muscle groups in one movement, allowing you to burn more calories than isolation exercises.

Exercises that target the glute muscles include the following:

  • Lunges
  • Deadlifts
  • Glute bridge with weighting
  • Barbell hip thrusts
  • Backward leg swings
  • Leg spread on the machine
  • Straight leg backward pulling

All exercises must be performed with additional weight in order to load the gluteal muscles. If you are not comfortable working with free weights, an effective alternative is the leg press machine, hack squat machine and the Smith machine.

Tip: To enhance the performance and the stamina, many athletes use the non-steroidal Clenbuterol to help them to progress within their workouts. Supplementing your workout regimen with this oral substance will allow for you to push harder for longer and it will also promote enhanced fat burning effects within your workouts to provide more muscle definition after the recovery has taken place! You can find this substance along with many more within our online catalog.

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