
Methandienone, mostly known as “Dianabol”, has been the most famous oral anabolic steroid for all the years that steroids have existed. Like almost all AAS, Dianabol is a modified form of testosterone with an altered chemical structure. Thus, we have a powerful steroid, with a weak effect on the androgen receptor, a slightly longer half-life and with a strong anabolic effect. Due to its properties and qualities, “Methane” is actively used in various sports structures, the main field of application is bodybuilding.
You can buy Dianabol oral tablets by Dragon Pharma for amazing results. Once in the gastrointestinal tract, the tablet quickly dissolves, and the pure substance immediately enters the blood. This Dianabol has a very fast start-up period, within a couple of hours after the first dose, you will feel a surge of strength, energy and a frenzied appetite.
Effect and action of Dianabol pills
The main effect of the steroid is to build up a large amount of muscle mass in a short period of time. The cycle lasts an average of 5 weeks, after the 6th week, the tolerance of the receptors increases, and the drug ceases to influence the body. For a 5-week Dianabol solo cycle, the expected weight gain can be up to 33lbs from just one cycle, with good nutrition and proper intake. The drug is also able to increase strength indicators and give a good blood flow to the muscles, which also has a positive effect on the set of high-quality muscles.
Other benefits of a Dianabol cycle include:
- Acceleration of protein synthesis processes
- Greatly increases the appetite
- Due to the ability to accumulate calcium, it can strengthen the bones
- Increases libido and sexual activity during the cycle
- Reduces the frequency of injuries and joint pain
- It has anti-catabolic properties
- Supplies the muscles with nitrogen and oxygen by increasing the number of red blood cells in the blood stream.
A Dianabol cycle
It is important to note that the intake of tablet androgen and anabolic active steroids should be made on an empty stomach. Since any AAS are fat-soluble, and therefore, when taking a steroid with food, part of the substance is digested and does not enter the blood, which reduces the effectiveness of the drug.
To build muscle mass, there is a rule here, the more the better. The optimal dosage can vary from 10 to 60mg per day, even 100mg for professionals, but you need to understand that excessive doses can have undesirable consequences. The effect of the drug lasts 3-5 hours, so splitting your dosage between two to three times daily is always recommended. The Dianabol cycle is accompanied by estrogenic side effects. Therefore, during the cycle, it is recommended to take aromatase inhibitors to eliminate this kind of ailment.
Dianabol can be combined with other anabolic steroids. For example, when the cycle is for weight, the drug can be combined with Nandrolone Decanoate and Testosterone Enanthate, as this is the basic and most effective combination or bulking cycles. It should be noted that although some users take Dianabol with other cutting agents within cutting cycles, to really push their boundaries, but this is not advised, as Dianabol is a bulking agent and can put unnecessary stress on the body if used within cutting cycles.
Side effects of Dianabol
The ability of Dianabol to aromatize, as a rule, entails a few negative reactions that can be excluded with a reasonable approach to its reception.
With excessive doses, the risk of gynecomastia is very high. Water retention is also a frequent phenomenon. Since at the end of each cycle, the collected water goes away, athletes often believe that it is the muscles that disappear and fall into depression. When in fact, it is impossible to keep water; the phenomenon of rollback is not the withdrawal of muscle mass, but simply the elimination of unnecessary fluid in the body and muscles. Another thing is that Dianabol can suppress the production of natural testosterone, which at the end of the cycle of Dianabol can provoke not only problems in sexual activity, but also reduce the pounds gained. Therefore, during each cycle of Dianabol, testosterone should be used as the base steroid, and you need to take Gonadotropin drugs at 500IU per week.
To eliminate estrogenic side reactions, a PCT should be performed, for this you will need Proviron or Clomid as your drugs in this recovery course.
Dianabol reviews
Various comments about dianabol pills for sale online are scattered all over the Internet. Reviews are completely different; in particular, athletes share only positive opinions, noting various effects and results. Therefore, you should not expect the same effects from Dianabol as a professional bodybuilder who is using double the dose, as everyone is unique, and the effects of Dianabol can manifest itself in different ways for every user.
Buy Dianabol at Hulk Body
Dianabol for sale in our store is one of the most popular anabolic steroids in the world. It is widely distributed in the United States, and you can order Dianabol on our website with delivery right to your door. Dragon Pharma is a pharmaceutical company that has existed for many years, has established itself as one of the best manufacturers of sports pharmacology. Dragon Pharma Dianabol’s price is low and good quality at the same time.