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Testabol Depot 10ml vial (200 mg/ml)


10ml vial (200 mg/ml) of Testosterone cypionate British Dragon

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SKU: 807 Category: Tags: , Product ID: 363


Testabol Depot refers to British Dragon’s injectable steroid. With its use, the growth of muscle mass and strength indicators increases dramatically. The main active substance is Testosterone Cypionate, which is considered the longest testosterone ester. The substance is active for 14 days after ingestion. The half-life is around 8 days. Due to the long period of activity, the steroid can cause fluid accumulation, so it is usually combined with other AAS.

The anabolic and androgenic index is 100% of testosterone. The drug acts via anabolic receptors, increasing their ability to accumulate nitrogen, which serves as the basis for building muscles. A positive nitrogen balance is established, which provides increased growth of muscle tissue and slows down the process of its destruction.

Most often, Testabol Depot is used in such areas as bodybuilding, powerlifting, weightlifting and other sports.


Testosterone Cypionate has various advantages such as:

  • Excellent stabilization of the androgen receptor by Testosterone.
  • Distinct anabolic and androgenic effects.
  • The ability to be implemented as an anti-catabolic drug.
  • Reduction in the risk of glycogen deficiency.
  • Accelerated increase in muscle mass.
  • Production of additional lubrication required when lifting heavy weights.
  • Great interaction with other steroids.

The substance is easily converted into estradiol and dihydrotestosterone.

A Testabol Depot cycle

Testosterone Cypionate is used only for long-term use, because Cypionate is a long ether, it does not work immediately, the essential oil, together with the active substance, accumulates in the fat layer and is gradually released in the blood, maintaining the maximum plasma levels of the steroid in the body. As a rule, the effect begins from the second week, however, after the end of the course, Cypionate is able to give results for several more weeks.

The duration of the course can be 4-12 weeks, depending on the goals. If it is prolonged for longer than 4 weeks, gonadotropin should be taken alongside Testosterone Cypionate. Injections are done once a week, sometimes less often. To gain sufficient amount of muscle mass, you will need to use 250-500mg of the drug per week. The optimum dosage is determined on the basis of the individual’s indices and experience of the athlete. This steroid is not recommended for women.

In courses specifically with the goal of adding weight, the drug is often combined with Anadrol or Dianabol. Athletes in the dry phase who strive for drier, defined muscles use it together with Trenbolone, Anavar, Winstrol or Masteron. Very often, Testabol Depot is combined in a cycle with Nandrolone. This course should be taken with anti-estrogens which can be Clomid or Cabergoline. After the completion of any of these courses, post-cycle therapy is necessary to reduce the risk of side effects.

Possible Side effects

As a rule, there are no significant side effects at normal doses, but minimal side effects can still be felt. Significant side effects only occur if the dosage exceeds 800mg or so. The drug is prone to aromatization, therefore contributes to the excess of estrogens, which can lead to side effects such as gynecomastia. To avoid this, you will need to take Nolvadex or Clomid, the most commonly used aromatase inhibitors, which reduce the likelihood of side effects to a minimum. Sometimes a steroid causes increased hair growth on the body, alopecia, acne, skin fatness, increased blood pressure.

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