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Steroids For Sale

Methyl drostanolone (Superdrol)

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Buy Superdrol Online!

Superdrol is an oral anabolic steroid that has a unique history in comparison with other drugs. This steroid is a registered analog of an over-the-counter anabolic drug, which is marketed as a hormonal food supplement. It should be noted that Methyl Drostanolone is an active anabolic hormone that has never been allowed to be sold in the US and this fact had a very negative effect on its production by large pharmaceutical companies. In 2006, the FDA commission began an active anti-doping campaign and the release of Superdrol was discontinued. But, while licensed Superdrol stopped being produced, the black market, on which Methyl Drostanolone could be purchased until mid-2012, became much more active. In 2012, Methyl Drostanolone under US law fell into the prohibited list of drugs and was controlled by the law on the management of anabolic steroids.

The Main Features Of Superdrol

Superdrol is an anabolic androgenic steroid that contains a steroid hormone Methyl Drostanolone. This means that it is an altered form of Drostanolone, which has become dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Therefore, Superdrol is the same as Drostanolone, only with some changes. The Methyl Drostanolone (Superdrol) group was introduced into the formulation in the 17-carbon position. This allows the drug to belong to the alkylated group and freely pass through the liver. Also, the methyl group was added to the second carbon position, which greatly enhanced the anabolic nature of the drug. These minor changes significantly reduced the androgenic activity of the steroid in comparison with Masteron.

Superdrol has an anabolic rating of 400. This figure is 4 times the anabolic profile of Masteron. But the androgenic index of the drug is 20, which makes the steroid very moderate in terms of androgenic manifestations. This drug is not aromatized in the body and has no estrogenic activity.

If you consider the main features of Superdrol, you cannot distinguish any unique features that would differentiate it from other anabolics. The only distinguishing fact is that for a long time the steroid has been in some legitimacy and relatively freely distributed in the consumer market. It should be noted that Superdrol can retain nitrogen in the body and activating protein synthesis in muscle tissues. Protein is the main building material for our muscles, and the presence of a large amount of nitrogen allows the muscles to grow much more actively. Significant activation of these processes allows a person to get high-quality and dried out muscular definition and the main thing is to keep it during a strict diet. Also, this hormone significantly increases the number of red blood cells that the body produces, which ensures a good state of health and a quick recovery from physical exertion. After all, red blood cells are responsible for the transportation of oxygen through the blood.

Superdrol For Sale In Our Store

Our online store offers its customers high-quality and proven steroids. Anyone can buy Superdrol, regardless of where they live. We ship to anywhere in the United States.

For any advice about Superdrol products for sale in our online store, please write to us by visiting our Contact us page.

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