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PCT In Bodybuilding

What is extremely important for any cycle of anabolic steroids? The correct answer is post-cycle therapy (PCT). It won’t matter how many pounds of quality muscle you have gained, or how much fatty tissue you have lost, it will all be insignificant if you cannot save the muscle, in other words, maintain the results gained from steroids.

PCT is a key element in the compiling of absolutely all cycles of anabolic androgenic steroids. Bodybuilders and trainers always pay the highest attention to how to increase natural testosterone after the steroid cycle for the sake of preserving the results and the user’s health. In this area, the pharmaceuticals for post-cycle therapy are of central importance.

The so-called rollback is inherent after many steroid cycles, and the only method to reduce it is post-cycle therapy, as well as the corresponding rapid resumption of testosterone to a standard level.

A well-developed post-cycle therapy at the end of the steroid cycle can minimize the recoil. Therefore, a variety of specific tablets for post-cycle therapy enjoy a similar popularity, as well as anabolic drugs. This is the root factor of the right cycle.

Now it is not difficult to buy post-cycle therapy drugs. There is a whole list of products that will allow you to avoid losing gains after the cycle, as well as restore your normal hormonal background. These are Tamoxifen, Clomid, Clenbuterol and Cialis.

See also about muscle support pct stack

PCT Benefits and Effects:

  • Recovery of testosterone
  • Reducing the phenomenon of rollback
  • Maintenance of the effect earned during the cycle
  • Draining excess water
  • Normalization of pressure
  • Increased sexual desire
  • Oppression of side effects if there were any during the cycle


PCT: List of Products

Before the beginning of each cycle, you must unequivocally understand how to recover the level of testosterone after its termination. As it was said before, without reasonable post-cycle therapy you simply cannot keep the results and accordingly any cycle will lose its purpose.

Recovery after the cycle proceeds in many directions. Subsequently, after stopping the use of the male hormone testosterone, the values ​​of androgens in the body drop, while female hormones are increased. A low level of male hormones leads to a noticeable loss of muscle mass, yet it is responsible for the possibility of increasing and further maintaining muscle volumes.

One of the most important tasks is to think about how to lower the synthesis of estrogen and restore the synthesis of testosterone. For this issue, there is a specialized group of drugs which increase testosterone. In this group, there are powerful pharmacological preparations, for example Tamoxifen and Clomid.

Also, it is necessary to prevent catabolism after a cycle because irrespective of the amount of testosterone it will begin to destroy the muscle fibers. In addition, due attention should be paid to the resumption of sexual desire and well-being in general. Not to mention the training process, which after the steroid cycle is much more difficult.

To solve all these problems, a full PCT is required. The key list of pharmaceutical preparations contains Clenbuterol, Tamoxifen or Clomid (Clomiphene), and from occasionally Tadalafil (Cialis), as well as preparations for the normalization of liver function.

Our online store offers its customers high-quality and proven drugs. Anyone can buy PCT drugs, regardless of where they live. We ship to anywhere in the United States.

For any advice about PCT products for sale in our store, please write to us by visiting our Contact us page.

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