The Mitchell report focused on steroid use in baseball
In the cult in the US sports – baseball – the biggest scandal in its history flares up. On Thursday, the Mitchell report focused on which shows that in recent years, the Anti-Doping Regulations have been consistently violated in the Major League Baseball (MLB). Among those who made them, there are all 30 of its clubs and many baseball superstars.
On Thursday, the Mitchell report focused on steroids in baseball, and the conclusions made in it could mean that in the near future baseball – a cult for America and the most expensive sport in the country – is awaiting serious upheavals.
2006 at the request of MLB President Bad Selig. He was forced to initiate this investigation under pressure from the US Congress, which in March 2005 held hearings in connection with the revealed facts of numerous violations of the anti-doping regulations in baseball.
Data for the report subordinates of John Mitchell were collected from different sources. Testimony exposing baseball players was given to them by a former employee of the New York Mets administration, Kirk Radomsky, who worked as a physical training trainer for the New York Yankees, Brian McNami. Also, the Mitchell report focused on enclosing with checks received by the commission, indicating the purchase of drugs by that or superfluous club or sportsman. Mr. Mitchell special that the MLB players union refused to cooperate with the commission and the current baseball players without help to it did not have.
It is not yet clear what the implications of this report will be. Just that the anti-doping regulations in force in MLB, which Bad Selig has already recognized, will be substantially adjusted. He was toughened in 2002. However, by the standards of other sports and the World Anti-Doping Code still remained too soft. In particular, he provided for minor periods of disqualification for the use of doping (for several matches), the use of not Fat Loss Facts all types of anti-doping testing, as well as mandatory confirmation of teams one day before the inspection. John Mitchell has already recommended to expand MLM, but also promising young juniors. It is unlikely that Bad Selig will argue that such a measure is necessary.
Mitchell Report: Steroids in Baseball
The most difficult, apparently, is the question of how to deal with those players whose names are mentioned in the indent of George Mitchell. The Mitchell report focused on steroids in baseball offered to “amnesty” them for past violations. George Mitchell can be understood, given the significant role of baseball in American life. Disqualification of superstars can lead to the collapse of some teams and the entire baseball market.
However, the proposal for an amnesty caused the anger of the head of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Dick Pound. “There is no question of her. These people knowingly committed violations and also refused to cooperate with anti-doping services. They will always suffer severe punishment, “Mr. Pound protested.
Most likely, how serious turmoil awaits the American baseball, it will be revealed only at the new hearings in the congress. They will begin next week.