Steroid detection times
Any water-soluble AAS can not be in the blood for more than a month. These drugs can be called an expendable material, which is necessary for solving specific problems. Molecules of steroid detection times are able to penetrate into the cellular structures of muscle tissues and after that activate the genetic mechanisms of the synthesis of protein compounds.
During the training, anabolics are consumed by the body to accelerate the growth of muscles, after which they are disposed of. However, in practice everything is not as simple as it might seem. Any hormonal substances, regardless of whether they were synthesized by the body or got into it from the outside, are not in the blood in a free state. To transport them through the body, special albumin substances are used.
Approximately 70% of the injected steroid detection times are in a bound state and are utilized extremely slowly. Only the remaining 30% of the anabolic molecules are rapidly consumed by the muscles and removed from the body. For the disposal of steroid detection times that are bound by albumins, it is necessary to wait for a complete update of these “vehicles.” Only after the albumins cease to exist, the AAS molecule is released biomex labs and can be disposed of. The duration of the renewal of albumins is one month.
How to reduce the steroid detection times?
It is quite obvious that the main task of an athlete in preparing for a tournament is to speed up the processes of
First of all, fast starvation can be used to accelerate the processes of updating transport albumins. This will allow for a maximum of three days to completely update all the albumins, since in the deficiency of protein compounds, they are used primarily by the body to restore the pool of amines. Only after this, the processes of decomposition of muscle proteins are activated, and if the duration of fasting does not exceed three days, then it will not come to this.
All body volume losses that occur at this time are associated with the disposal of the liquid. If the athlete has correctly performed recovery after starvation, then approximately for six days, he will fully Anabolic Steroid Research restore its volume. In the event that the athlete during fasting practically does not consume water, it is called “dry fasting”, then AAS metabolites are utilized much more quickly. It should be noted that “dry fasting” will help you get rid of metabolites of anabolics much faster in comparison with the use of diuretics.
Thyroid hormones can also be used during drying, which significantly increase the rate of disintegration of protein compounds, including albumins. Banya and cardio loads can also become effective ways to solve this problem. This is due to the fact that metabolic processes are accelerating, and the process of albumin renewal is faster.
However, these methods should not be considered as effective as possible. Surely you know that any substance must be taken to the liver before it is disposed of. Only after the metabolites of steroid detection times pass the oxidation process in this organ, they can be removed from the body. In the liver, all the hormonal substances are oxidized, regardless of their nature.
Steroids and drug testing
Table of Steroid Detection Times
Tradename | Active substance | Detection time |
Laishabolin | Nandololo Lauraur | 26 – 28 months |
Deka-Durabolin Norandreen Deca -Durabol Turinbol Depo Anabolikum |
Nandrolone Deanatoate | 18 – 24 months |
Daurabolin Turinabol Fenobin Anabolin |
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate | 12 – 18 months |
Ultragan 100 Maxigan Ganabol Equipoise Equigan |
Boldone Unde-silane | 4 – 5 months |
Finadgett Finjet Finaplix Parabolan (table) |
Trenobolon Acetate | 4 – 5 months |
Trenabol Trenbolone enanthate |
Trenbolona Enantat | 4 – 5 months |
Parabolan (injectable) Danabolan |
Trenbolona Cyclohexylmethyl carbonate | 4 – 5 months |
Testosterone Cypionate | Testosterone Cypionate | 3 – 4 months |
Primoteston-Depot Testosterone Heptylate Testosterone Depo |
Testosterone Enanthate | 3 – 4 months |
Stan Sustanon 250 Sostenon 250 Durastone 250 |
A mixture of 4 testosterone | 3 – 4 months |
Anadrol 50 Anapolone Oxibolone Oxymetholone Hemogenin |
Oximetolone | 2 months |
Stenox Halotestin |
Fluoxymesterone | 2 months |
Nilevar | Norethandolon | 6 – 8 weeks |
Proviron | Местеролон | 6 – 8 weeks |
Parabolan (injection) | Trenobolon Gesapidrobenzylcarbonate | 6 – 7 weeks |
Primobolan Depot Primobolan (tablets) |
Methenolone Enanthate (injectable) Oral Methenolone |
4 – 5 weeks 16 – 20 days |
Dianabol Methandrostenolone Methadienone |
Methandrostenolone / Methadenone | 4 – 5 weeks |
Anavar Lipidex Oxandrolone Spa |
Oxandrolone | 3 weeks |
Stromb, Stanabol, Winstrol (oral) |
Stanozolol | 3 weeks |
Vinstrol Depot | Stanozolol | 2 months |
Testosterone 25/50 Testoviron |
Testosterone Propionate | 2 weeks |
Andriol | Testosterone Undecanoate | 1 Week |
Mascot Maserul Maseron Pistastrile |
Drotonilone Propionate | 10 – 14 days |
Spyropen Novegam Oxyflux |
Clenbuterol | 5 – 10 days |
Dexamethasone | Dexamethasone | 6 days |
Furosemide (diuretic) | Furosemid | 20 – 25 hours |
Triamterene (diuretic) | Triamteren | 48 hours |
Marijuana | Varieties of cannabis | 3 months |
LDD | Diethylamide of d-lysergic acid | 10 days |
Nicotine | Nicotinic alkaloid | 10 days |
Kodein Ketamine Metamfetamine Opium |
Morphine alkaloid | 1 Week |