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Cytover T3 50mcg (50 pills)


50mcg (50 pills) of Liothyronine (T3) Vermodje

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SKU: 903 Category: Tag: Product ID: 383


The oral supplement Cytover from Vermodje contains the active ingredient liothyronine sodium. Liothyronine derives from the naturally occurring thyroid hormone Triiodothyronine. Growth and development, metabolism, body temperature, and heart rate are the hormone’s key characteristics. The synthetic hormone helps the body produce more energy, has a beneficial impact on the liver and kidneys, as well as the heart and central nervous system. It replaces missing thyroid hormones and is well-liked by many athletes for its ability to burn excess body fat.


Benefits of taking T3

Some of the main effects of using Liothyronine are that it:

  • Accelerates the body’s metabolism.
  • Burns body fat, resulting in desired look.
  • Increases body temperature (which contributes to fat burning).
  • Increases energy levels.
  • Appetite suppression.
  • Central nervous system stimulation.
  • Increases physical strength.
  • Helps muscle definition.


How to take T3

T3 should be taken daily in an initial dose of 25mcg (half a tablet). It is advised to start with the smallest dosage and then increase it gradually. Use should be limited to a month and a half.  The body and its organs are negatively impacted by longer-term drug usage; thus, it is not advised.

It is also not recommended it not be taken in a dose of more than 100mcg per day. Be sure to consult with a specialist or doctor on the account of the individual dosage of this drug.

T3 is commonly used among professional athletes in combination with other drugs to increase the effectiveness of the drug. The use of this drug in combination with Clenbuterol and anabolic agents is highly recommended.


T3 side effects

To get the desired impact and prevent health issues, it’s important to carefully monitor drug intake and adhere to dose instructions. If not, you may experience anxiety, headaches, double vision, or pain in your arms, back, jaw, or chest.

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