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Clenbuterol-Ver 40mcg (100 tabs)


40mcg (100 tabs) of Clenbuterol hydrochloride (Clen) Vermodje

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SKU: 939 Category: Tag: Product ID: 451


Clenbuterol manufactured by Vermodje is an oral drug with Clenbuterol Hydrochloride as the active component.

This drug is not a steroid but rather a stimulant that is categorized as a beta-2-receptor agonist because it is a powerful and essentially the only activator of beta-2-adrenoreceptors.

This suggests that it is a unique stimulant drug that focuses on starting off the lipolysis—or the breakdown of fat into free fatty acids—process in adipose tissue. Clenbuterol is popular in the fitness sector because it is an effective weight loss drug.

Benefits of taking Clenbuterol

This drug has the ability to maintain and even increase large quantities of muscle in addition to being a powerful fat burner. Actually, Clenbuterol was first used to increase the muscular mass of animals.

In the off-season or during mass-gaining cycles in bodybuilding, Clenbuterol is typically not taken. It is rarely taken as a preventative measure against fat accumulation during bulking cycles. Nowadays, Clenbuterol is mostly used for body drying, competition preparation, and weight loss cycles.

How to take Clenbuterol

Men can use Clenbuterol in doses up to 125mcg (2.5 tablets) per day, while women can take it in doses up to 50mcg (1 tablet) per day. The drug must be used for 2 weeks, followed by at least a 2-week break when paired with Ketotifen. The break should last a lot longer without Ketotifen (1 month minimum).

If your body tolerates it well, you can progressively increase the daily dose until it reaches maximum for the rest of the cycle. A Clenbuterol cycle should begin with half the maximum dose. You should cut the dose back to half the daily amount at the end of the cycle.

Clenbuterol side effects

Similar to other stimulants like caffeine and ephedrine, the most common side effects of Clenbuterol are muscle cramping, tremors, insomnia, sweating, increased blood pressure, headaches, and nausea

Before taking the drug, it is advisable to discuss any potential side effects with your doctor. These include allergic reactions.

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