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Stanover 50 50mg (25 pills)


50mg (25 pills) of Stanozolol oral (Winstrol) Vermodje

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SKU: 910 Category: Tag: Product ID: 397


Stanover 50 is very popular drug among track and field athletes as well as bodybuilders. Stanozolol is the main active substance in this product by Vermodje. It is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone and differs from it chemically in that it has five benzene rings. Most steroid rings are merely four. This drug’s ability to be antagonistic to progesterone contributes to its uniqueness. Although the drug has been on the market for many years, its popularity has not decreased with time.

Benefits of taking Stanozolol

Due to some of its characteristics and peculiarities from other types of steroids, Winstrol orals, often known as “Winny,” has gained popularity in the bodybuilding community. The drug gives the muscle tissues stunning definition in addition to increasing muscle mass. Additionally, it promotes vein drawing and aids in fat burning.

One of the benefits of Winstrol is increased strength and endurance when participating in sports. The drug was widely used in powerlifting and athletics. Since Stanozolol removes additional water and fat from the body, it is frequently used by athletes to “dry” or “cut.”

The main benefits from taking Winstrol include:

  • Improvements in dry and lean muscle mass along with improved muscle quality.
  • Improved fat-burning processes
  • Release of excess fluid form the body.
  • Improves the definition and density of the muscles.
  • Increased endurance and strength.

These are just a few of the fantastic benefits that Winny may offer and using it in a cycle with other AAS can help to maximize and focus the cycle’s results so that you can attain your intended target goal.

How to take Stanozolol

Athletes can run a solo cycle to develop noticeable venosity and well-defined muscles. Power indicators will also be greatly improved.  Anyone who has sufficient muscle mass, and a small quantity of fat reserves can run a Stanozolol cycle.

  • For adult men, dosages of 30–50mg per day are thought to be ideal.
  • The cycle should start with a minimum dose of 30mg, which should be increased to the standard dose within a week.
  • You should use this oral anabolic for six to eight weeks.
  • At the end of the cycle (about 6 weeks), the dosage should be reduced to the starting dosage.
  • You must also follow sports nutrition rules for a favorable outcome.

If you adhere to all of these recommendations, your cycle shouldn’t be interrupted by any side effects or problems.

Stanozolol side effects

Potential side effects of this oral drug include:

  • Increased cholesterol levels.
  • Increased blood pressure.
  • Hepatotoxicity (damage to the liver).
  • Rare androgenic adverse effects (The drug is not advised for female users at doses of greater than 5–10 mg per day, otherwise, the signs of virilization are virtually unavoidable.
  • Ligament injuries from dry joints.
  • Pain and discomfort in the joints.

It is crucial to adhere to the directions for using the drug and not exceed the dosages or durations of use because, as previously said, if the recommendations are followed, the side effects are typically barely expressed or do not appear at all.

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