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Primover 50mg (25 tabs)


50mg (25 tabs) of Methenolone acetate (Primobolan) Vermodje

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Primover is an oral anabolic steroid that exhibits moderate anabolic and weak androgenic effects, and most importantly is endowed with a minimal amount of side effects. Its active substance is Methenolone acetate (Primobolan). Because the drug does not aromatize, does not have toxic effects and does not inhibit the production of testosterone in reasonable doses, it can rightly be called one of the safest anabolic steroids in the modern market of sports pharmacology.

Importantly: despite the fact that the phenomenon of recoil in this steroid is minimal, it is best to use it not for muscle mass gain, but for improving the quality of the musculature. So, in sports, namely in bodybuilding, athletes can apply Primobolan in tablets for muscle drying to improve the definition, hardness and strength of the muscles.

Application and dosage of Primobolan

This steroid can be used as the only one on the course, and in combination with other drugs. In most cases, it is ideal for athletes whose main goal is to build quality musculature.

Before the start of the course, the athlete must possess good health and not have chronic illnesses.

  • The duration of Primobolan is 6-8 weeks.
  • The tablet form of the drug requires daily consumption of 50-100mg.

On the course, use only recommended dosages of 50 to 100 mg per day, not more. A dose of 50mg is suitable for beginners, while a dosage of 100mg is most suitable for experienced athletes. The cycle of Primobolan usually lasts 6-8 full weeks, such a considerable duration is due to the mild action of the drug. Exceeding the 8-week period of taking the steroid is not necessary. This will only increase the risk of side effects.

Combinations with other steroids

Depending on your goals, Methenolone Acetate can be combined with many types of anabolic steroids.

Primobolan combines well with highly androgenic steroids such as Testosterone and/or Trenbolone in a weight gain course.

In a drying course with fat burning, the drug can be taken in combination with Winstrol and/or Masteron.


Side Effects

If you follow the rules of consumption and the cycle’s duration, then any adverse reactions will bypass you.

Though the drug does not have estrogenic properties, people sensitive to androgen may have some adverse reactions: oily skin, skin rashes (sometimes acne) and hair loss in people with a genetic predisposition to alopecia.

In women, in case of overdose, the following adverse reaction may occur: development of secondary sexual characteristics (virilization), coarsening of the voice, increased growth of body hair, enlargement of the clitoris and menstrual disorders.

Appropriate use of the medication will rule out all of the side effects mentioned above.

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