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Naposim 5 5mg (100 pills)


5mg (100 pills) of Methandienone oral (Dianabol) Vermodje

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Naposim (popular among athletes as “Methane” or “D-bol”) is a strong oral anabolic steroid. As well as Methandrostenolone, Methandienone, Methane, Danabol and others, Naposim is a kind of analogue of the well-known Dianabol, which is produced by Vermodje. Also read about Geneza Dbol here.

Dianabol has earned the name of the most famous and popular means for building muscle mass. Even celebs like Carrot Top steroids that he used included Dianabol, as well as Ronnie Coleman Now.

Benefits of taking Dianabol

As mentioned above, the popularity of methane lies in its ability to gain muscle mass. In addition, the first oral steroid cycle for a beginner always starts with Dianabol. Especially in the last 10 years, when the popularization of steroids began to reach a maximum, the Methandrostenolone solo cycle has become a kind of tradition for beginners. Young people like to gain a large amount of mass in a short period. Here are some of the effects that can be seen from Dbol use:

  • The main effect of the drug is considered to be the activation of high-speed synthesis of protein and glycogen. This is the fact that allows you to increase unprecedented amounts of weight.
  • It is able to increase the power indicators by about 35%.
  • Stimulates the user’s appetite.
  • Due to the ability to accumulate calcium, bones and joint joints are strengthened.
  • Increases the level of nitrogen in the muscles.
  • A good anti-catabolic effect.
  • With Dianabol, damaged muscle fibers recover three times faster than without it.

How to take Dianabol pills: Cycle and Dosage

The daily dose for men is 30-50mg, which can be divided into 2-3 doses daily. It is taken after a meal.

For beginners, the Methane cycle should start with small doses and be gradually increased weekly. Due to the fact that the body of each person is individual and the working dose for each may be different.

The duration of the cycle should not exceed 6 weeks. This is due to the fact that Dianabol has the ability to cause receptor tolerance. After the sixth week of administration, the activity of the steroid significantly decreases.

In the second week of the cycle, it is recommended to take anti-estrogens. For example, take Anastrozole at 0.5mg (half a tablet) every three days. This will reduce the likelihood of most adverse estrogenic reactions. See reviews on Liquidex.

PCT is carried out three days after the cycle is complete. Take Clomid at 50-100mg per day for two weeks within this recovery period.

On the third week of the cycle, it is important to add Gonadotropin 500-1,000IU units, once a week. The hCG intake is completed in the second week after the end of the cycle. This restores the production of natural testosterone and reduces the phenomenon of rollback. Read about the best Gonadorelin dosage to use in a Dbol cycle.

Combination of the drug with other AAS

Combining different forms of steroids can increase the effectiveness of the cycle and reduce the risk of side effects.

To build muscle mass, Dianabol reviews from real athletes most often recommend combining it with Testosterone, Primobolan, Parabolan, Nandrolone, and Growth Hormone (read about the Palumboism effect of HGH).

Side effects

Dianabol has a methyl group at the 17α position, which prevents the destruction of Methandrostenolone in the liver, so the oral form of the drug is moderately toxic to the liver.

The most common problem associated with the conversion of the substance into estrogen is gynecomastia.

Another effect of estrogen activity is water retention. It is faced by every athlete who takes Methane. In this regard, 10-15 % of the gained weight is usually water. It leaves at the end of the cycle, but this process is unavoidable.

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