Modafinil, the active ingredient in Modafin, is a psychostimulant made by the company Alpha Pharma. It was initially created in the late 1980s by the American pharmaceutical company Cephalon to treat narcolepsy, a disorder that causes people to unexpectedly nod off during the day. Narcolepsy affects 0.02-0.03 percent of the population.
Modafinil is currently utilized in roughly 20 different nations. In addition to treating narcolepsy, it is also used to treat other diseases that can induce daytime sleepiness. Additionally, it is occasionally used to treat depression, Alzheimer’s disease, attention deficit disorder, and memory problems.
Benefits of taking Modafinil
Modafinil works differently than related psychostimulants like amphetamine and ephedrine in terms of its mode of action. Additionally, the body does not convert compounds of amphetamine or ephedrine into modafinil.
The brain is affected in a number of ways by modafinil. The quickness of mental reactions is most likely the most significant influence. This effect relates to the hypothalamus, the lower portion of the diencephalon, where neuronal pathways are engaged and orexin/hypocretins operate as intermediary molecules that are crucial in the control of sleep-wakefulness.
Modafinil is listed as a doping substance in the classification. Its impact on athletic performance has not been investigated, however, based on its practical effects, it is thought to increase speed and endurance. Due to its ability to suppress hunger, it is well known that it is utilized in bodybuilding to reduce body fat.
How to take Modafinil
Alpha Pharma manufactures modafinil as a box of 30 oral tablets, each having 200mg of the active ingredient. Conveniently, 200mg (1 tablet) of Modafinil is the recommended daily dosage. It should be consumed orally with water, and mornings should always be the time to take it. This makes sure that the drug’s effects are felt throughout the day and avoids the possibility of insomnia.
Modafinil side effects
The drug shouldn’t cause insomnia at night if it is taken before noon. If enough water isn’t consumed throughout the day, modafinil may also result in headaches. Dizziness, nervousness or anxiety, back discomfort, nausea, diarrhea, or an upset stomach.