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Metilver 100 tabs (25mg/tab)


100 tabs (25mg/tab) of Methyltestosterone Vermodje

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SKU: 907 Category: Tag: Product ID: 391


This anabolic and androgenic steroid is produced by Vermodje. Metilver is a synthetic steroid hormone – androgen, testosterone methyl derivative. It is used as a synthetic analog of oral testosterone in medical practice.

The main active ingredient of the drug is methyltestosterone. The pills come in a package of 25 pieces. 25mg / tab. Methyl testosterone is basically oral testosterone and is one of the oldest anabolic and androgenic steroids in the market of sports pharmacology.

Benefits of taking Methyltestosterone

  • Increased power performance.
  • Increased muscle mass.
  • Recovery of the neurological system.
  • The accumulation of fatty deposits.
  • It is exceedingly difficult to achieve a qualitative increase in muscle mass when methyltestosterone is the only steroid being used.
  • Restoration of the nervous system.
  • Growth power endurance.
  • Increased aggression.

The effect is brought on by the fact that the human body does not convert methyltestosterone into 17-methyl-dihydrotestosterone, a more potent metabolite.

The steroid can be used responsibly throughout exercises and right before the race in this regard.

How to take Methyltestosterone

The oral testosterone dosage for men varies between 10-50mg per day. Due to the brief period of time (6 to 8 hours each day) that the drug is received. Oral testosterone cycle should be taken for up to one month, based on the recommendation.

A Vermodje oral testosterone cycle is not recommended for women due to the androgenic properties. One will most likely show signs of virilization, such as changing their body type to that of a man, growing facial hair, and/or deepening their voice.

Oral Testosterone side effects

Potential side effects of methyltestosterone include:

  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Headache.
  • Skin color changes.
  • Increased or decreased sexual interest.
  • Oily skin.
  • Hair loss.
  • Acne.
  • Breast swelling.
  • Male pattern baldness.
  • Anxiety.
  • Depression.
  • Numbness or tingly feeling.
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