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Halobol 5mg (50 pills)


5mg (50 pills) of Fluoxymesterone (Halotestin) Alpha Pharma

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SKU: 552 Category: Tags: , Product ID: 123


Halobol is an oral steroid manufactured by Alpha Pharma. The primary active substance is Fluoxymesterone (Halotestin). The drug has a 1900 anabolic rating and an 850 androgenic rating and is most popular in sports such as boxing, wrestling and athletics. It’s possible that Halotestin’s low aromatization factor contributes to its popularity.


Benefits of taking Halotesin

When used correctly, Halo can have the following effects:

  • Increased strength and endurance.
  • Greater aggression and motivation.
  • Stimulation of hemoglobin and erythropoietin synthesis.
  • Increases the fat-burning process.


How to take Halotestin

Halotestin should only be used by experienced steroid users (not beginners or women). The recommended daily dose for men is roughly 10-20mg, which should be taken in two equal doses spread out throughout the day. Around 4-6 weeks should be the maximum duration of the cycle. Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) should be a part of post-cycle therapy (PCT).

Experienced athletes can combine Halotestin with other drugs. When combined with testosterone at 500mg/week and Deca Durabolin at 600-800mg/week, Halo, taken at a dose of 20mg/day, works well. The cycle should last about 6 weeks. Before beginning PCT, Anavar can then be taken twice a day at a dosage of 50mg.


Halotestin side effects

Increased hair growth, oilier skin and a risk of acne, negative effect to the prostate gland and Oligospermia are a few possible side effects of using the drug. Halotestin can be harmful to the liver if used in extremely high doses and can also lead to acne, nose bleeds, migraines, excessive rage, and frequent erections.

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