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Tri-Tren 10ml vial (150 mg/ml)


10ml vial (150 mg/ml) of Trenbolone Mix (Tri Tren) British Dragon

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SKU: 812 Category: Tags: , Product ID: 373


Tri-Tren is a highly effective anabolic steroid with many advantages. It is a relatively new steroid. The substance was produced in the early 1980s by Negma Laboratories, France. Trenbolone is characterized as a close relative of Nandrolone, as their steroid nature is reduced to class 19-nornandrolone. The similarity of both drugs is not limited to the molecular structure, they lead to identical results in the field of doping. A distinctive feature is the power of Trenbolone, it has the presence of 5-a-reductase, which increases its anabolic index to 500 %, when testosterone has only 100 %. In bodybuilding, the drug is used with great success in the period of mass gain, is very practical and combines well with other anabolics, can give phenomenal results in the course of mass gain, as well as during the drying period. Trenbolone has a significant advantage over other mass-gaining steroids, despite the fact that the drug is able to fully display the potential of androgen hormones, its tendency to aromatization is zero, thus there is no muscle hydration, the mass gaining is of a higher quality, dry and defined. However, Trenbolone can enhance the aromatization of other steroids, so in combination with testosterone, other steroids that are used, usually have reduced dosages in order not to provoke undesirable effects of estrogens.

Tri-Tren is a more universal development, it refers to complex drugs with more than one component. The product is manufactured by the pharmaceutical company British Dragon. The composition contains three esters of Trenbolone, that is Acetate, Enanthate and Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate. Each of the esters has an individual period of acceleration, release time and action, compositionally esters allow the active substance to act from the very beginning to the very end.

Acetate contains the meaning of accelerating the action, thanks to it, Trenbolone begins to act as much as possible within a few hours after injection, maintaining the peak of effectiveness for three days.

Enanthate is a longer ester, it prolongs the effects for up to 10 days, it is thanks to it that the user can feel a significant increase in muscle mass.

Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate is an ester which is similar to Enanthate, but with an activity period of 12 days (slightly longer), its task is to prolong the process of gaining muscle mass and strength as long as possible, excluding all possible unprofitability of the course.

Tri Trenbolone quickly develops endurance. It helps the muscles to acquire a finished look, improves the hardness and density of the muscles.

In addition, Trenbolone stimulates the concentration of insulin growth factors by about 200% of the outgoing one, which affects the reduction of adipose tissue in the body, in other words, fat is actively burned while dry muscles increase.

How to take the course?

The specificity of each of the esters in the aggregate does not require frequent injections, however, in order to avoid a decrease in the levels of the substance in the blood (steroid pit), it is recommended to administer two injections per week. The dosage of three Trenbolone esters per week is 300-400mg. The dosage of Tri Trenbolone per week is 300-400mg. The drug is not recommended for intake by beginners, however, if the user with not much experience in steroids intake, still decides to get acquainted with Trenbolone, it is better to start with a solo Trenbolone Acetate course, as it shows the least side effects as it does not allow for the excess of the amount of active substance in the blood.

Depending on the athlete’s goals, there are many combinations that can significantly improve the results. In order to gain mass, it will be acceptable to buy Tri-Tren and take it together with Testosterone, this combination will allow you to build up the muscles by several kilograms and more, increase strength by about 23-27%. Testosterone also plays the role of a substitute for free testosterone during the course in order not to disrupt the physiological processes of the body in such an extreme environment for it.

Side effects

Due to the high androgenic activity, Trenbolone provokes some side effects peculiar to men: nervousness, acne, baldness in the area of the crown of the head, increased growth of body hair and insomnia.

The conversion to estrogen in Trenbolone is absent, however, as is known, group 19-nornandrolones are able to show progestin activity, which at high doses can lead to side reactions similar to estrogen, such as: gynecomastia, the suppression of the production of the user’s own testosterone, decreased libido and oily skin.

Taking aromatase inhibitors during the course can help to protect the user from such reactions. Also, after the course, it is necessary to take testosterone stimulants in order to preserve the results and restore the sexual function within the Post Cycle Therapy course or “the recovery period”.

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