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Trenaver H 10ml vial (100mg/ml)


10ml vial (100mg/ml) of Trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate Vermodje

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Trenaver H is an anabolic androgenic steroid from the Moldavian pharmaceutical company Vermodje. The main active substance is trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate (Parabolan) and is available in a package of 10 ml, containing 100mg/ml of Tren Hex. The chemical basically has no liver toxicity and does not aromatize.

Parabolan has been taken by bodybuilders for many years and is even taken by professionals to this day. See photos of Ronnie Coleman before steroids like Parabolan. Also, according to the rumors about Carrot Top steroids that he used included Parabolan.

Benefits of taking Parabolan

  • Burning of fat cells.
  • Sexual performance.
  • Muscle growth and definition.
  • Increased strength and endurance.
  • Cortisol reduction.

How to take Tren Hex

You shouldn’t inject Parabolan more than twice per week. Men should take 100–150 mg every three–four days. In the off-season, few men need more than 100mg each day. The doses used during bulking cycles will be higher. Some people may handle 100 mg daily or 200 mg every other day, but this also raises the possibility of unfavorable side effects. Although 50 mg per day is sometimes seen as a low dose, keep in mind that 1-2 vials are sufficient for a cycle of this powerful drug. The solo cycle lasts six weeks, and the combined cycle is eight weeks long.

It can be used along with Anavar or Winstrol to increase effectiveness and achieve the best results along with a strict diet and training program. Check out Dave Palumbo training tips.

Parabolan Side effects

Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate side effects are extremely uncommon, but taking Parabolan may result in hair loss, decreased erectile function, increased aggression, rashes, suppression of testosterone production, gynecomastia, acne, oiliness of the skin, and other issues. Use of gonadotropin is advised to lower the risk of side effects (read reviews on Gonadorelin.)

After two weeks from the end of the steroid cycle, it is recommended to start post-cycle therapy to avoid unwanted side effects.

Also, you may also want to read about Geneza Pharmaceuticals steroids.

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