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Trenaver 200 vial 10ml vial (200 mg/ml)


10ml vial (200 mg/ml) of Trenbolone enanthate Vermodje

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SKU: 940 Category: Tag: Product ID: 453


Trenaver 200, made by Vermodje, is one of the well-known steroids that athletes use to bulk up and improve their endurance during cycles. On rare occasions, drying cycles also use it. Trenbolone Enanthate, a long-acting ester, is the drug’s active ingredient.

Benefits of taking Trenbolone Enanthate

The drug has a powerful anabolic effect. Its components are not converted into estrogens, thereby not harming your health but still having an effect. During the cycle, there will be no need to worry about experiencing gynecomastia and the accumulation of fluid in the body.

Reviews from professional athletes verify the drug’s efficacy in battling fat deposits. As a result, it is applied in cycles to enhance muscle quality and get prepared for sporting events. Its components raise physical fitness and endurance levels.

How to take Trenbolone Enanthate

The recommended Trenbolone Enanthate dosage is 200-400mg per week. Due to the long-acting ester, injections only need to be done 1-2 times per week to keep hormone levels stable. The length of a Tren Enanthate cycle is generally between 6 and 8 weeks in duration.

Its highly recommended to at least run a low dose of Testosterone during any Trenbolone cycle. Testosterone Enanthate is the perfect testosterone base for a Trenbolone Enanthate cycle since the same esters requires the same frequency of injections.

Tren E side effects

Trenbolone Enanthate has no negative effects when taken as directed. However, if you violate the instructions, you can experience the following negative aspects:

  • Decreased quality of libido.
  • Increase in blood pressure.
  • Insomnia.
  • Appearance of acne.

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