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Trenabol- E 10ml vial (200 mg/ml)


10ml vial (200 mg/ml) of Trenbolone enanthate British Dragon

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SKU: 811 Category: Tags: , Product ID: 371



Trenabol-E is produced by the leading sport pharmacology company British Dragon. The active component of the drug Trenbolone Enanthate belongs to the group of highly androgenic anabolic steroids. It also has a strong anabolic effect and is considered the most powerful steroid in the world. A strong hormonal effect leads to impressive results, but at the same time there is an increased risk of side effects.

We consider Enanthate the” long” ester form of Trenbolone. It allows you to increase the half-life of the substance to 10 days, thereby reducing the frequency of injections, which is very good for people with intolerance to injections.

Benefits of taking Trenbolone Enanthate

Trenbolone Enanthate is an extremely versatile anabolic steroid that can be used for almost any purpose. Having a high level of power, Tren E does not require high doses to start the process of developing the body’s physical state. Having an anabolic power factor 5 times greater than testosterone, “Tren” becomes an ideal choice in combined and solo courses for power and a clean, high-quality mass gaining.

A good factor that also determines the high cost of the drug, because the price of Trenbolone Enanthate is several times higher than the same testosterone, this is a complete exclusion of the aromatic process in estrogen, as well as no water retention and a bloated stomach. In combination with a proper diet and training regime, Trenbolone makes it possible to significantly increase the athlete’s muscle mass, with phenomenal dryness and definition.

Effects of a Trenbolone Enanthate cycle include:

  • Gives definition and quality to the muscles
  • Increase muscle density and hardness
  • Reduction of fat deposits
  • A significant increase in strength, overall endurance, and aggression
  • Diuretic effects
  • Increase of free testosterone within the blood stream
  • Prevention of the aromatization process.

How to take Tren E

As a rule, the question of dosages is primarily of concern to beginners, although the drug is a “bust” for newcomer athletes in this business, in most cases, the interest to try it increases caution.

For newcomers, the Trenbolone Enanthate dose is 100-200mg per week, the intake can be divided into two times weekly. An average advanced athlete can get excellent results from 200-400mg per week. Experienced athletes who have a certain experience of using strong androgenic substances can bring the dose up to 500mg per week.

You will notice that the difference between the doses is not large, this suggests that a large dosage does not make a huge difference due to the power that this drug provider for its users.

Trenbolone Enanthate is often combined with other steroids to increase the effectiveness of the cycle. The most popular steroids include, Testosterone Enanthate or Propionate, Stanozolol, Nandrolone Decanoate or Nandrolone Phenylpropionate reviews prove.

Tren E side effects Trenbolone Enanthate has no negative effects when taken as directed. However, if you violate the instructions, you can experience negative effects such as decreased quality of libido, increase in blood pressure, insomnia, or the appearance of acne.

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