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Trenabol 10ml vial (75 mg/ml)


10ml vial (75 mg/ml) of Trenbolone Acetate British Dragon

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SKU: 809 Category: Tags: , Product ID: 367


Trenabol produced by British Dragon is an injectable steroid containing Trenbolone Acetate. This drug has a positive effect on the body almost immediately after the injection is administered and maintains it for 1-3 days, which is good for such a strong drug.

The absence of toxicity and Trenbolone Acetate’s rapid and sufficiently long-lasting action and effect are its key advantages. This indicates that if recommendations are followed and even if the drug is used frequently, the liver won’t be negatively affected, and its functions won’t be interfered with.


Benefits of taking Trenbolone Acetate

Tren Ace has fewer side effects than other steroids, although they are all quite strong and long-lasting.

  • There is an increase in insulin-like growth factor.
  • A reduction in the level of cortisol.
  • Increase in sexual desire and activity of men,
  • Increase in strength indicators and dry muscle mass.
  • The increased level of growth hormone production causes fat to burn.

The anabolic steroid Trenbolone Acetate is a potent, quick-acting, and successful drug. No matter if it is taken alone or in combination with other drugs, its activity will still be as effective.

Its primary action is to build lean muscle mass and increase strength. This makes it ideal for sportsmen who want to stay inside their weight class.

How to take Trenbolone Acetate

Trenbolone Acetate should be used according to the recommended dosages and duration of the cycle. The usual dosage is a 50-100mg injection once every couple of days. These doses will provide all of the positive effects of the steroid. Women should take smaller dosages, maximum of 200mg of Trenbolone Acetate a week.

If the Trenbolone Acetate cycle lasts eight weeks or longer, gonadotropin must be added to the program in order to boost the body’s production of testosterone (1000 units starting from the middle of the cycle).

Both on its own and when combined with other steroids, Trenbolone Acetate can have positive effects on the body. With the exception of substances with substantial progestogenic activity, Tren Ace can be taken with nearly any anabolic steroid, although, Nandrolone cannot be mixed with it.

Tren Acetate side effects

Of course, like any steroid, Trenbolone Acetate has negative aspects such as possible side effects. Every athlete who plans to use it must be aware of this.

This drug, like many other anabolic steroids, can raise blood pressure, create oily skin, cause aggressive behavior, and disrupt sleep. Additionally, there can be a decrease in sexual drive, a reduction in testicle size, etc.

Trenbolone Acetate cycles may cause problems with the body’s ability to produce testosterone. It is advised to take the following to reduce the negative effects if you are using the steroid in large doses:

  • Gonadotropin – (500 units a week)
  • Clomid (20mg) / Proviron (25mg) a day

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