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Testover P amp. 10 ampoules (100mg/ml)


10 ampoules (100mg/ml) of Testosterone propionate Vermodje

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SKU: 915 Category: Tag: Product ID: 407


The active ingredient of Testover P is Testosterone Propionate, produced by the company Vermodje. Testosterone Propionate is a popular steroid of strength athletes in pre-competition.

It keeps the athlete’s weight category constant while increasing physical strength. It also quickly excretes the propionate ester from the body. Propionate use is no longer detected in the doping test’s area of view 40 days after the last injection.

Benefits of taking Testosterone Propionate

The athlete can expect to receive the following results with the use of Testosterone Propionate:

  • More defined muscles and drier muscle mass.
  • Increases muscle hypertrophy by increasing nitrogen balance.
  • Increases strength.
  • Increases physical activity.
  • Stimulation of IGF.
  • Quick recovery of muscle tissue.
  • Motivation and stimulation of general tone.

How to take Test Prop

Due to its short half-life, Testosterone Propionate dosages should generally not exceed 100mg per day. For the best results, injecting 50-100mg daily or every other day is sufficient. The duration of a Testosterone Propionate cycle is six weeks.

Testosterone Propionate is used with other AAS by 80% of sportsmen. The optimum combination for a drying cycle will be Stanozolol, Parabolan, Masteron, and Oxandrolone.

Test Propionate side effects

Reviews of Vermodje’s Testosterone Propionate indicate that the drug actively suppresses the creation of natural testosterone, which HCG use excludes.

Itchiness and discomfort may occur at the injection site. Gynecomastia is the primary adverse effect that affects sportsmen taking testosterone frequently. The ability of testosterone to convert to estrogen, which also results in tissue fluid retention, is typically what causes breast growth in men.

Aromatization will be reduced if the dose is not exceeded, however for prevention, it is advised to take aromatase inhibitors such Anastrozole or Clomid during or after the cycle. These drugs can also reduce the rollback phenomenon.

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