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Testover E vial. 10ml vial (250mg/ml)


10ml vial (250mg/ml) of Testosterone enanthate Vermodje

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SKU: 911 Category: Tag: Product ID: 399


Testover E is a powerful anabolic agent from Vermodje. It is used in a wide variety of fields. It is used in medicine, in rehabilitation therapy after severe injuries and surgeries, for the treatment of delayed puberty, etc. The steroid is equally effectively used in bodybuilding and weightlifting.

The effect of the drug on the body

The main positive feature of the drug is its long-term effect on the body. Testover E is made based on the Testosterone Enanthate Ester with a long chain. Its validity period is about 2 weeks. Thanks to this, it is very easy to maintain the hormone content in the body. Performing injections once a week is adequate. Testover E is also an affordable drug. It’s easy to use and has a reasonable price… what more could you want?

The main positive effects of the drug are:

  • Fast set of quality muscle mass.
  • Increased strength and endurance.
  • Improved pumping effect.
  • Increased overall tone and energy.

Application methods

The dosage of Testover E is set individually. It depends on the fitness level of the athlete and experience in the use of sports pharmacology. Beginners are advised to start with a dose of 250mg per week. Professional athletes can use doses up to 1000mg. The duration of the course is also determined individually. You can take the drug for 1 to 3 months.

Possible side effects

Like other anabolics based on Testosterone Enanthate, Testover E has its side effects. Due to the form of injections, the drug does not have a strong effect on the liver. But the components provoke aromatization. An increase in the content of the female hormone in the body becomes the cause of the formation of such negative effects as:

  • Gynecomastia;
  • Swelling;
  • Accumulation of excess fluid.

To prevent such effects, anti-estrogen drugs should be added to the course of steroids. Testover E has a strong androgenic effect therefore the body’s testosterone content increases. Because of this, the following effects are observed:

  • Greasy skin;
  • Baldness;
  • Hair growth on the face and body;
  • Acne formation;
  • Violation of the production of the body’s own testosterone.

To stop negative effects, PCT is used, which restores the hormonal balance. Most of the side effects are due to misuse of the drug and exceeding the dosage or course duration. Also, the cause of the negative impact may be individual intolerance to individual components.

Combination with other drugs

Testover E is often used in combination with other anabolic steroids. This allows you to increase the effectiveness of the drugs. To increase power performance and increase the built-up muscle volume, a combination with Trenbolone is used. To quickly build water muscles, Methandienone and Stanozolol are added to the drug.

Testover E reviews

This drug is very popular in the sports field. It is used by weightlifters of all levels to prepare for a competition or to improve the effectiveness of regular training.

In our store, you can buy this and other steroids at attractive prices. Members of our team with extensive experience will advise you on which course scheme to choose for the greatest effectiveness, based on your training experience and use of sports pharmacology.

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