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Testover C vial 10ml vial (200 mg/ml)


10ml vial (200 mg/ml) of Testosterone cypionate Vermodje

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SKU: 912 Category: Tag: Product ID: 401


The body produces the hormone testosterone on its own. It is responsible for a man’s emotional and physical traits. Increased sexual drive, the manifestation of healthy aggression, faster muscle growth, and increased strength are all effects of this hormone.

Testosterone Cypionate differs from pure Testosterone and other esters because of rather long period of activity. The half-life of the main active ingredient is 14-16 hours. The drug is made in the form of oil injections and are taken by athletes during weight training cycles.

Benefits of taking Test Cypionate

With the correct use, the synthetic hormone can provide the following effect in a single cycle:

  • Increased muscle mass.
  • Increased physical fitness indicators.
  • Stimulates the regeneration processes.
  • Increased motivation.
  • Increased libido during the cycle.

Given that some of the testosterone produced during the cycle is converted into estrogens, the accumulated mass contains around 30% liquid, which simply reduces after the cycle.

How to take Test Cyp

Testosterone Cypionate is advised to be used no more than once a week. This will help you maintain an even hormonal background and get the required result without any side effects.

The recommended dosage is 250mg to 500mg, taking into consideration the level of training, experience, and the desired result of the athlete after the cycle. The duration of the cycle is usually around of 4-12 weeks.

The use of the drug, both on its own and in combination with other drugs, allows you to easily accomplish many goals. Do not make your own decision regarding increasing the dosage and cycle duration, as this can lead to the manifestation of adverse effects.

Test Cypionate side effects

Testosterone Cypionate has aromatization and androgenic properties, which can result in unfavorable side effects such as gynecomastia, fluid retention, and fatty deposits on the skin as well as hair loss.

Tamoxifen or Clomiphene needs to be taken after the cycle because the drug might also lower the production of natural testosterone. Due to the significant risk of virilization, using this drug is not recommended for females.

After discontinuing the drug, it is possible to lose two-thirds of the gained mass. To minimize the loss, you should not wait to take the correct drugs for post-cycle therapy.

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