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Testover C amp. 10 ampoules (200 mg/ml)


10 ampoules (200 mg/ml) of Testosterone cypionate Vermodje

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SKU: 938 Category: Tag: Product ID: 449


Testosterone is a hormone produced naturally by the body and is responsible for the physical and emotional qualities of a man. It is responsible for increased sexual desire, the appearance of positive aggression, quickened muscle development, and greater strength.

Testosterone Cypionate is different to pure Testosterone and various other esters due to a rather long period of action. The half-life of the main active compound is 14-16 hours. The drug is made in the form of oil injections, which are used by athletes in weight training cycles.

Benefits of taking Testosterone Cypionate

The synthetic hormone can produce the following effects in just one cycle when used properly:

  • A visible gain in muscle mass.
  • An increase in fitness-related indicators.
  • Stimulates the regeneration processes.
  • Increases motivation.
  • Increases libido throughout the cycle.

Given that some of the testosterone produced during the cycle is turned into estrogens, the accumulated mass contains around 30% liquid, which simply decreases after the cycle.

How to take Testosterone Cypionate

It is recommended to use Testosterone Cypionate no more than once a week. This will enable you to maintain a balanced hormonal background and get the intended outcome without experiencing any negative side effects.

The dosage ranges from 250mg-500mg, depending on the athlete’s experience, amount of training, and desired end-of-cycle outcome. The cycle lasts from 4 to 12 weeks on average.

You may easily achieve a large number of goals by using the substance, either by itself or in combination with other steroids. You shouldn’t determine your own increase in dosage and duration because doing so could result in negative effects.


Test C side effects

Testosterone Cypionate has both aromatization and androgenic properties, which can result in unfavorable adverse effects like gynecomastia, fluid retention, and fatty deposits appearing on the skin, as well as hair loss.

Tamoxifen or Clomiphene must be taken after the cycle because the drug may also decrease natural testosterone production. It is not recommended for women to use this drug due to the serious risk of virilization.

Two-thirds of the increased mass could be lost if the drug is stopped.  You need to take the appropriate drugs for post-cycle therapy as soon as possible in order to reduce the loss of results.

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