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Sustaver amp 10 ampoules (250 mg/ml)


10 ampoules (250 mg/ml) of Sustanon 250 (Testosterone mix) Vermodje

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Sustaver is a very strong steroid known as iconic “Sus” by sportsmen. It is mainly used by experienced athletes during the offseason. The drug is produced by Vermodje. The substance is produced in form of an oily solution for injecting intramuscularly and is a perfect combination of four testosterone esters: Propionate, Phenylpropionate, Isocaproate, Decanoate in a total concentration of 250 mg/ml. The combination of long and short testosterone esters provides a fast and long effect and mainly this is the reason of its global popularity in sports and medicine.

Benefits of taking Sustanon 250

In total, Sustanon by Vermodje has a high androgenic and anabolic effect. This aspect allows determining the goal of using the drug in sports, especially in bodybuilding. Athletes who participate in competitions or just amateur bodybuilders actively used this drug for quick and efficient increase of the muscle mass for developing strength. The drug efficiency also covers secondary positive reactions such as appetite stimulation, libido increases, mood and overall vigor improvement, blood generation and anti-catabolic effects.

After the injection the substance can be active in blood for 2-3 weeks.  “Sus” allows you to gain 5-7lbs of added muscle size on the first week already and also about a 35% strength increase during the 5-week point within a cycle. Even an individual Sustanon cycle allows you to gain up to 28lbs of good muscle size along with a strict sports diet. Read the Palumbo diet for a 200 pound person here.

Also, check out photos of Ronnie before and after steroids like Sustanon 250, and find out “how did Carrot Top gain muscles so fast?”

How to take Sustanon 250: Cycles and dosages

The substance has an oily basis so heat up the vial content before every injection. For this, put the vial in warm water for a few minutes or warm it with your hands. The scheme, dosage and cycle duration depend on the individual parameters of the athlete (height, weight, age, level of experience and sensitivity to the drug).

Usually the cycle lasts for 6-10 weeks, and the Sustanon dosage is 250-500mg weekly in one or two injections each week. Sometimes even one injection in a fortnight can keep the testosterone level stable and high, but this is more for these athletes who do not like to administer frequent injections.

For increasing the efficiency Sustanon, it can be combined with other steroids. If you want to gain as much mass as possible you can combine the drug with Deca-Durabolin, Dianabol or Anapolon. If the main purpose is to gain dry mass and definition, combine Sustanon with Winstrol and Anavar.

Side effects of Sustanon 250

The testosterone mixture has a high tendency to aromatize, so a Sustanon cycle requires necessary use of anti-estrogens and testosterone stimulators such as Tamoxifen and Gonadotropins (read about the results of Gonadorelin).

If you decide to buy Sustanon 250, we recommend being careful with selecting the manufacturer and store. You can’t judge the drug quality by a low price, but it can mean that the seller has a bad reputation and offers low-quality counterfeit goods for cheaper prices. Read about the Benefits of Geneza here.

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