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Stanover amp. 10 ampoules (50 mg/ml)


10 ampoules (50 mg/ml) of Stanozolol injection (Winstrol depot) Vermodje

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SKU: 906 Category: Tag: Product ID: 389


Stanover is an injectable version of the quite common and popular Stanozolol. The manufacturer of the anabolic drug is the well-known company Vermodje, whose products on the modern market are in demand and especially popular. It should be noted that this drug is effective and serves to build muscle mass and improve strength performance.

The principle of action of the drug

Initially, the drug was actively used in veterinary medicine, but over time, Stanover has been modified in some aspects and has found its application in sports medicine. In addition to sports purposes, the product is used for therapy in case of edema, anemia or for normalization of the blood composition.

In addition, the product is used by numerous bodybuilders because it helps to increase the volume of muscle mass. The active ingredient Stanozolol is present in a large number of different preparations and created in the most different concerns, but its quantity in them may well differ, which ultimately plays a role in the effectiveness of its use.

It is extremely common in the field of sports and is used in an injectable form. It is worth noting that Stanover reduces the content of globulin by almost 2 times, while increasing the absorption of steroid drugs, which are used together. The product is most often used during the athlete’s drying process, and it is excellent for getting rid of excess water in the body.

Currently, it is quite difficult to buy a steroid in retail, and there is always a risk of finding a low-quality product. But it is possible to solve this problem and buy the product online. That is why it is worth cooperating with us, we have a full description of the products with prices on our website.

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The effect of the drug 

Of course, Stanover is a mild anabolic substance, and that is why it is able to change the body as a whole in many ways. The main advantages of its use include:

    1. Increasing the volume of muscle mass.
    2. Getting rid of excess water in the body.
    3. Getting rid of subcutaneous fat.
    4. Creating good defined muscles.
    5. Elasticity of muscle fibers.
    6. A faster recovery process.
    7. Improved strength and performance.
    8. Increased overall endurance.

Use and dosage

50mg per day is considered the optimal dosage for a bodybuilder, but the athlete’s goals, level of training, and tolerance to the components of the composition should be taken into account. So in some cases it is advisable to increase the dose to 100 milligrams, but use it once every 2 days. This is the best option for the athlete, otherwise the dose will simply not be enough, and if it is exceeded, there may be side effects from its use.

But it should be said that Stanover is rarely used alone. This is due to the fact that it is compatible with a number of other anabolic drugs and active ingredients. And when it is combined with other drugs, the results of the athlete increase to a great extent. Of course, the important role is played by the task at hand which is set by the athlete. Based on this, the additional drugs are selected. In order to increase the volume of muscle mass it is better to use potent steroid drugs of androgenic orientation; for example, it may be Testosterone and Anadrol. Stanover performs a more estrogenic effect of steroid substances and allows for a measured course. If, however, the main goal is to lose excess weight, the optimal combination would be to use this with Testosterone Propionate and Trenbolone, which is immune to aromatization.

Side effects of use

The main advantage is the absence of estrogenic effects. At the same time, if the recommended dosage is increased, you may encounter negative effects, and most often this manifests itself as follows:

    1. Ligaments and joints of the athlete do not have enough fluid to function properly, which increases the risk of injury.
    2. Hypertension – increased blood pressure.
    3. Much lower testosterone production in the body.
    4. Baldness and hair loss.
    5. Acne on the face and body.
    6. Abnormalities of the cardiovascular system.

And it is important to understand that if there are negative consequences from use, it is worth undergoing rehabilitation in order to restore the body’s normal functioning when the cycle has ended.


Numerous athletes note that Stanover demonstrates excellent performance, with no adverse effects if the dosage is followed. And the peculiarity is the fact that the price is quite democratic, while the field of use is extensive. However, if an athlete has some problems with the joints, it is best to pay attention to other drugs rather than Stanozolol.

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