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Magnum Primo 100 5 ampoules (100mg/ml)


5 ampoules (100mg/ml) of Methenolone Enanthate (Primobolan depot) Magnum Pharmaceuticals

SKU: 12071 Category: Tag: Product ID: 34036493


Primo 100 which is Primobolan by Magnum Pharmaceuticals is a steroid with strong androgenic and anabolic effects. The active substance of this injectable steroid is Methenolone Enanthate. Many athletes decide to buy this drug because of the relatively short exposure period, which usually lasts 2-3 days, and the high efficacy of the drug. In order for the content of the drug in the blood to remain at the same level, it is necessary to inject no more than once every two to three days.
The undoubted advantage of taking the drug is its fairly quick period of elimination from the body. This allows you to use the drug directly in preparation for sports.

Effects of Primobolan

Taking the drug in a dosage recommended by a specialist allows the athlete to experience the following effects:
 • A tangible increase in muscles;
 • The increase in strength indicators is similar to the increase during the reception of Decanoate;
 • Activation of the processes of burning accumulated fat cells;
 • Improving the definition of the muscles.

Recommendations for use

Primobolan can be used by athletes who want to gain high-quality muscles and get a beautiful, athletic physique. Before starting to use the drug, the athlete must undergo a mandatory medical examination, and only after consulting with the specialist, begin taking Primobolan. On average, a solo course of the drug can last from 6 to 8 weeks. The weekly dosage of the drug should not exceed 800mg. At the end of the cycle, after 3 weeks, it is imperative to perform post-cycle therapy.

Primobolan by Magnum Pharmaceuticals may be combined with other steroids. For example, for muscle gain, it is better to include Sustanon, Nandrolone, Oxymetholone, and some testosterone esters in the course. In courses aimed at definition, Winstrol is usually used. The most effective combination is Primobolan with Nandrolone. If you want to purchase original drugs and save on their cost and delivery, then it is best to contact our online store.

Side Effects

Injectable Primobolan is able to cause far fewer estrogenic side effects such as puffiness and gynecomastia. Some side effects can occur due to the suppression of the production of natural testosterone. An athlete can avoid the manifestation of side effects in the case of strict adherence to all the recommendations of a specialist regarding the intake of the drug.

Reviews Despite the fact that the drug appeared relatively recently, it has already won the recognition of bodybuilders. Judging by numerous reviews, with a minimal rollback effect, it allows you to achieve tangible results, both in muscle gain and in an increase in strength indicators.

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