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Equipoise 10ml vial


10ml vial of Boldenone undecylenate (Equipoise) Meditech Pharmaceuticals

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SKU: 599 Category: Tag: Product ID: 213



Equipoise is a well-known anabolic steroid manufactured by the pharmaceutical company Meditech Pharmaceuticals. The active substance of the drug is Boldenone Undecylenate, which is also known as Equipoise.

Since the substance is a derivative of testosterone, it keeps its anabolic effects while having a very low androgenic activity level. These characteristics have led to the drug’s increasing use for drying and the development of strength indicators.

Benefits of taking Equipoise

The drug’s effects are strongly anabolic and only moderately androgenic. Due to its low estrogenic action and low danger of aromatization, Boldenone has an advantage in terms of safety.

However, control over aromatase is compromised with high doses or extended use. As one of the safest anabolic steroids, the drug might be recommended as a first cycle at small doses.

Similar to testosterone, the steroid can build muscle mass in a high-quality manner while having no negative side effects. Equipoise will produce drier, tighter, and firmer muscles with less water retention.

The drug significantly improves appetite and red blood cell counts, which improves the blood’s ability to carry oxygen to muscle tissue. It develops the athlete’s overall physical and muscle strength.

How to take Boldenone

The ideal dose of Equipoise by Meditech Pharmaceuticals is 375mg-750mg a week.  Beginners using the drug should start with the lower dose (375mg) and determine their drug tolerance.

Some experienced users may take doses as high as 1125 mg weekly because they often require higher doses to get their peak results.

The drug is injected twice every week. Therefore, divide your 750mg weekly dose into two 375 mg doses: 375mg on Monday and 375mg on Thursday. The drug can be kept at stable levels in the blood plasma using this method.

Equipoise’s effects don’t manifest right away. The drug’s effects will start around the third week of a cycle. As a result, this drug’s cycles can last up to 14 weeks.

The drug can be successfully combined with any AAS, depending on the athlete’s goals and experience.

EQ side effects

Gynecomastia can occur in extremely rare cases in people who take the drug at extremely high doses or who are sensitive to its components. By including Tamoxifen or Proviron in the cycle, you can prevent this side effect as well as others connected to aromatization. Acne, a rise in aggression, and an increase in greasy skin are some additional side effects that could occur in men.

In women, acne, hair growth on the body and face, voice changes, and clitoral enlargement are possible (find out the steroid clit causes here).

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