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Decaver vial 10ml vial (250 mg/ml)


10ml vial (250 mg/ml) of Nandrolone decanoate (Deca) Vermodje

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SKU: 921 Category: Tag: Product ID: 419


Decaver is one of the most well-known anabolic steroids on the global drug market and is manufactured by Vermodje. Its active substance is Nandrolone Decanoate (known as Deca Durabolin). While it shares many of testosterone’s properties, it also offers a number of advantages over testosterone.

Nandrolone Decanoate is slightly more expensive than testosterone, although it is still quite affordable. The drug’s appeal is mostly the result of its strong effectiveness, it has a high anabolic and low androgenic coefficient.

Benefits of taking Deca Durabolin

A low androgenic index suggests a reduced likelihood of adverse effects. Deca will enable you to rapidly increase the amount of muscle mass with added fluid retention for joint and ligament protection during intense workouts. This strengthens the muscle tissue while it grows to allow you to increase muscle size safely, without having to worry about injuries.

Nandrolone and the complex oil ester Decanoate, which extends the steroid’s half-life to two weeks are two related components in this product. This means that you shouldn’t expect to see results from taking Deca right away, actual effects won’t start to appear until two weeks into the cycle.

Nandrolone Decanoate is the ideal option if you want to boost your strength indicators and muscle mass. It is only used in long-term weight gain programs. A crucial aspect of Deca is how long it takes for its effects to kick in. The drug acts gradually in the blood, but its effects also linger for a very long time. When asked about the quick weight gain, athletes frequently say that it continued for a while after the cycle was over.

How to take Nandrolone Decanoate

The most effective dosage is from 250-500 mg a week.  Although, some athletes take individually prescribed doses based on physical condition and other unique physical features of the body.

While Nandrolone Decanoate does not aromatize into estrogen, it is still a progestogen active AAS, which is just as harmful, and mid-level athletes should not use more than is recommended.

The typical drug dosage is 3mg per pound of body weight every week. Overdosing on this drug carries a significant risk of adverse side effects.

For beginners, it is advised to take no more than 200mg of Nandrolone Decanoate each week for a duration of 5-8 weeks. This dosage is sufficient to produce beneficial results without negative effects.

Combining Deca with other drugs

Deca is a very powerful drug that works well even when used alone to increase muscle mass. However, it can function even more effectively when combined with other anabolics.

To consolidate the muscle mass already gained and shed extra water from the body before the end of the cycle, it is advised to begin taking Clenbuterol. The effective anti-catabolic properties of Clenbuterol reduce the severity of the post-cycle rollback. Additionally, this mixture aids in enhancing the muscles’ elasticity and prominence.

The drug also mixes well with Testosterone, Turinabol, and Trenbolone Acetate. The growth of muscle mass is accelerated by such combinations. The basic regimen consists of combining Dianabol and Deca, when combined, these two drugs produce amazing effects. For athletes of all training levels, this cycle is advised during the weight-gaining phase.

Nandrolone Decanoate combined with Winstrol is another potent and popular combination.

Side effects of Nandrolone Decanoate

Nandrolone Decanoate is a relatively safe substance for increasing muscle growth. The drug has no effect on cardiac and liver functions.

Even if there are any indications of unfavorable activity during the process, they are likely to be minor and temporary. Excessive dosage is usually linked to the development of adverse effects.

The following signs could manifest if usual dosages are exceeded:

  • Hypertension
  • Headaches
  • Abdominal pain
  • Increases nervous excitability
  • Increase in the fat layer
  • Gynecomastia
  • Inhibition of the synthesis of the body’s own testosterone
  • Decreased libido

According to our customers’ feedback, the drug has few side effects, the most common of which are sexual depression and gynecomastia, which may be readily treated with prolactin inhibitors (for example, Cabergoline and Bromocriptine).

Cabergoline (Dostinex) can help bring a high prolactin level back to normal. You will protect yourself from Nandrolone Decanoate’s harmful effects on the body by taking this throughout the cycle.

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