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Exemever 25 mg (25 pills)


25 mg (25 pills) of Exemestane Vermodje

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Exemever, also known as “Aromasin”, is one of the most effective inhibitors of the enzymes involved in the production of testosterone’s aromatization process. Although the effects of this anti-estrogen are irreversible and after a few doses, 98 percent of the estrogen will be permanently eliminated, it can diminish the active influence of estrogens on the body’s hormonal background by up to 85% in just 12 hours.

Because the drug’s side effects are so minimal, both experienced bodybuilders and newcomers to the sport can take it. This inhibitor is beneficial not only in the treatment of untreated types of this condition but also in the prevention of gynecomastia.

This drug is suggested to be used in combination with a cycle of anabolic steroids that have a high level of aromatization because it will aid in the evacuation of extra fluid and help to prevent the emergence and development of gynecomastia.

Benefits of taking Exemestane

A well-known pharmaceutical company called Vermodje, which also provides numerous businesses in the medical industry, is the producer of Exemestane. Exemestane, the active component, relates to contemporary inhibitors of the aromatase enzymes that transform male sex hormones into estrogens, the female sex hormone.

The development of a comparable drug dates back to the turn of the 20th century. After post menopause began, this analog was used to treat breast cancer in women.

Exemestane is used by athletes for post-cycle therapy when taking steroids to prevent any estrogenic adverse effects.

This remarkable anti-estrogen distinguishes itself from predecessors by having the ability to block the conversion of androgens to estrogens itself, unlike other inhibitor drugs. It has a lengthy active half-life and is stable.

How to take Aromasin

Strictly the recommendations given in the usage instructions. It is better to take the drug under a doctors or sport specialist’s supervision.

The course has a maximum duration of four weeks. If estrogenic adverse effects develop, you can take 25mg once daily with meals, every other day, until the side effect is no longer present. Depending on how the drug is intended to be used, the recommended dosage ranges from 12 to 25mg at one time.

Continue the course until all symptoms have disappeared if the unwanted side effects do not go away. This should be taken no more than 12.5mg every 3–4 days starting as soon as you experience itchiness or soreness in the breast tissues as a preventative measure against estrogenic adverse effects.

The efficacy of this aromatase inhibitor is recognized by athletes. It has the following beneficial results:

  • Almost total suppression of aromatase.
  • Lowers estrogen conversion by 90-98%.
  • Enhances the follicle-stimulating hormone production (FSH).
  • Does not produce female sex hormones.
  • Boosts strength resistance and vigorous activity.
  • Prevents gynecomastia, acne, alopecia, and excessive fat deposition from developing.

Another benefit of using Exemestane as your AI is that, in addition to having some excellent anti-estrogenic qualities, it also has some androgenic capabilities that may result in modest increases in strength and muscle size as well as a greater sense of masculinity.

Exemestane side effects

 Although the drug’s main purpose is to fight side effects, it may cause side effects such as:

  • Nausea.
  • Insomnia.
  • Headaches.
  • Depression.
  • Increased cholesterol levels.
  • Brittle bones.
  • Decrease in libido.

These side effects shouldn’t happen if the dosages and instructions are followed exactly.

You can buy Exemestane from our online store.

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