Possible side effects and negative manifestations of the Deca 300
How this drug acts on the human body. Can he hurt Deca 300 him and what? How to reduce such risks.
Deca is one of the most famous drugs, proving its effectiveness for many years. The full name is deca-durabolin. In fact, it is a powerful anabolic steroid. Therefore, before taking is not only to study the positive effect of the drug, but also its side effects. Below are considered the main points that it is important to know about it.
About features
The main purpose of the drug is effective nitrogen retention in the Deca 300 body and acceleration of protein synthesis processes. As a consequence, the reception of the deck allows you to increase physical strength, muscular performance and endurance. In addition, after a couple of weeks of taking Durabolin, the total muscle volume increases.
It has already been proved that the use of the preparation only slightly contributes to the activation of the sebaceous glands, and also almost does not affect the prostate. As a consequence, when taking it, such side effects as acne, alopecia, problems with the prostate gland and so on are excluded.
See info about deca 300mg side effects
What do you need to know?
The drug is good in the following qualities:
A special action of nandrolone is a substance that is more commonly known as 19-nortestosterone. Its main qualities include a minimum level of conversion to estrogens (when compared with testosterone).- Long period of use. Another 20-30 years ago, bodybuilders had access only to the deck, methane and testosterone. There were no other kinds of steroids for that period. In turn, durabolin had minimal side effects and the lowest level of aromatization. Against this background, he gained serious popularity.
- Absence of negative influence on skin and hair. As experience has shown, the deck is well absorbed by the body and does not affect the condition of the skin or hair. This became possible due to the action of a special enzyme – 5-alpha-reductase.
- Improved joint condition. Taking the drug is Deca 300 an excellent chance for athletes who have problems with joints, finally get rid of annoying pains. This is due to the fact that during the course of the course the body accumulates water, which goes to their lubrication. It is believed that even 100 mg per week will be enough to achieve this goal.
The negative point is the suppression of the production of own testosterone, which is possible after the course. In addition, side effects associated with a decrease in erectile function or suppression of libido are likely . Negative manifestations can be enhanced if, in the course of taking, the supplement is not combined with androgen compounds or testosterone. Possible and such an effect as a depressive state.
Special Recommendations
Before taking Deca-Durabolin, consider several useful tips:
- to reduce side effects in the intimate area, go durabolin with testosterone, which should be placed for 2-3 weeks longer than the deck. It is able to suppress the negative effects of anabolic;
- the maximum duration of the course should not exceed 8-12 weeks. Otherwise, the risk of negative manifestations and habituation of the body increases;
- optimal number of injections – 2 per week;
- the dosage of the drug is 300-400 mg per week . Do not forget about the Deca 300 maximum allowable limit of 600 mg. It is highly discouraged to exceed it;
- if deca-durabolin is taken in a “pure” form (without ancillary drugs), then the general course should not exceed two months. At the same time, you can start receiving Dostinex. In this case, the side effects can be minimized.
Combining possibilities
As already mentioned, the deck can bring an even greater effect if it is correctly combined with other drugs. There are several popular combinations here:
- With testosterone (sustanon, enanthate) – for a set of musculature. In this case, the dosage of testosterone and durabolin should be 500 and 300 mg respectively (per week).
- With methandrostenolone (methane). This combination also speeds up the process of gaining muscle mass. With regard to dosage, the optimal option for methane is 30-50 mg per day, and for the decks – 300-400 mg per week.

Once again about the negative impacts
Taking such an additive, you Deca 300 should clearly be aware of all the existing risks. Above we mentioned a number of side effects, but that’s not all. Increased dosages can cause:
- bleeding disorders;
- increased blood pressure (symptoms of hypertension);
- long healing of wounds;
- delay in the production of gonadotropins in the body.
As for the impact on the liver, which is being talked about so much, in this respect the deck is a safe drug.
Deca-Durabolin is a well-known steroid, which is famous for its effect and minimal side effects. Once again, we shall single out its positive qualities – strengthening of bones, getting rid of pain in the joints, increasing the volume of red blood cells, strengthening the immune system and so on.
However, do not forget that no matter how effective an anabolics are, it is still “chemistry”. Therefore, before taking the weighed the pros Deca 300 and cons, check your health and consult with specialists. If you are taking the drug, then follow the instructions clearly and do not break the dosage