Mechanical growth factor (Mechano Growth Factor or MGF) is one of the forms mgf canada of insulin-like growth factor. Strength training, being a direct physical effect on the muscles, causes in the athlete’s body the development of a mechanical growth factor. In addition to physical work, also cause the development of a mechanical growth factor increase in body temperature due to active heat production, oxidative processes in the body and the intake of anabolic drugs.
The pharmacological form of MGF is a hypodermic injection fluid. In a preparation containing MGH, a mechanical growth factor is present in the form of a compound with polyethylene glycol. The need to combine these substances is due to the extremely rapid destruction of pure MGF in the body. Molecule of polyethylene glycol, binding to the mechanical growth factor, does not prevent it from fully exhibiting biological activity, but it protects it from destruction.
The effect of mechanical growth factor
Getting into the blood, the mechanical growth factor stimulates an increase in the number of myoblasts (dormant muscle cells), which leads to muscle growth and a reduction in recovery time after training. The effect of MFR is similar to the effect of growth hormone, but it differs in that it is also unable to affect cartilage and bone tissue, causing its growth. The mgf canada process of combining mechanical growth factor with polyethylene glycol is called pegylation, therefore all forms of the MGF preparation are called Peg MGF. The effect of MFR on the body was carefully studied in experiments with mice and on the cell model in vitro.
Application of MGF in bodybuilding
Due to the ability of the drug to accelerate the growth of muscle tissue, peptides PEG MGF are a common anabolic agent, but soon predicts a reduction in their use in competitive sports, as fast detection is expected on doping control.
Subcutaneously, the drug should be 2-3 times a week, while it is able to maintain a high concentration in the blood for a long period. High bioavailability also supports the pegylated mechanical growth factor. Inside MGF is not taken, due to its ability to degrade in the digestive system.
Effects of MGF on muscle:
Hypertrophy and hyperplasia of muscle tissue, together with increasing muscle endurance.
Reduction of fatty layer.
Improved relief and venousity.
Increase the number of blood vessels in the tissues.
Accelerate recovery.
Improved immunity.
Reduction in blood of low density lipoproteins (cholesterol).
Increases the elasticity of the skin.
Positively affects the heart.
How to take PEG MGF
Sufficiently extensive experience of peptide application by professional mgf canada sportsmen allowed to reveal the optimal course of admission. The following diagram describes how to take the MGF PEG.
The best result is the application of the PEG MGF course for 5-6 weeks
A single dose giving the maximum effect and a minimum of side effects is 100-200 mcg. The increase in this dosage did not cause an improvement in the drug’s output. After the preparation of the solution, its shelf life in the refrigerator is 20 days.
The injection is administered subcutaneously with a syringe for insulin injections. There was also the experience of introducing MGF directly into the target muscles, but this did not produce the expected results.
The optimal time for the introduction of the MGF peptide is immediately after exercise. This makes it possible to cause an increased anabolic response of the body, since it corresponds to the physiological response of the body in response to the destruction of tissues.
Unpegylated form of mechanical growth factor is not used in connection with inefficiency. After rest for 3 weeks, you can repeat the course, the drug with the same strength will help increase sports results.
How to take PEG-MGF
If you want to buy PEG-MGF, it is necessary to say how exactly the course of reception of this substance should be carried out. There are several methods, but the classical version suggests the following scheme:
In a day, it is required to receive from 100 to 200 μg of PEG MGF. In this case, injections should not be carried out continuously, and 2-4 times a week – it is enough to limit oneself to training days. Overdose does not give an improved effect, but only reduces it.
If the injection occurs on training days, then it should be mgf canada done immediately after the workload. Reviews allow you to say that this is the best option.
The average duration of one course is about 5-6 weeks. After that, a long break must be made.
A sufficiently large number of athletes injects into the target muscles. This is a common mistake, because the mechanical growth factor does not have a local effect. It affects directly the entire muscle mass.
Preparation and storage
If you want to buy peptide PEG-MGF, its storage should take place in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2-8 degrees. It is important to protect it from exposure to sunlight. The substance is a powder for dilution in solution and further subcutaneous injections. The drug weighed in liquid can be stored for no more than a month.
Side Effects of MGF Peptide
During the research in the laboratory and due to extensive experience in practice, the following side effects from peptides of PEG MGF were detected:
Increase in heart rate.
Itching and swelling of the injection site.
Tingling in the limbs.
Deterioration of absorption of minerals.
Possible nasal bleeding.
PEG MGF Reviews
Since the use of MGF has a much better effect than with the use of insulin-like growth factor, the feedback on PEG MGF is not difficult to meet.
However, most of the responses forums are negative. The fact is that pegylation of MGF is an expensive procedure that requires special laboratory conditions. That is why the overwhelming majority of the mechanical growth factor available consumer are counterfeit, either mgf canada completely ineffective, or containing simple anabolic drugs. Partly, therefore, and thanks to the placebo effect, some feedback on PEG MGF is positive.
Quality of peptides
The number of counterfeits of MGF peptides has increased many times, along with the growth of their popularity among bodybuilders. On the market in Internet resources and “with hands” basically the goods made in China are on sale. The complexity and high cost of manufacturing a quality mechanical growth factor causes a large number of fakes of poor quality. Some experts call 90% of counterfeits on the market.
The purchase of a cheap form of MGF, in its pure form, without the connection with polyethylene glycol, is absolutely pointless. Injections of pure MGF are rapidly mgf canada destroyed and ineffective. Buy a real pegylated mechanical growth factor MGF is possible when ordered directly from laboratories in China, this will minimize the risks, but can not completely eliminate the likelihood of counterfeiting.