NPP steroid review – Dosage on Cycle and its Effects
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate is a popular anabolic steroid in bodybuilding, it is produced by many well-known manufacturers in the US and worldwide. It is included in the list of Alpha Pharma, Dragon Pharma, British Dragon, Vermodje, and Geneza Pharmaceuticals steroids.
here we will discuss what the steroid is, how it works, its benefits in bodybuilding, the most common side effects, the best dosage on cycle, what steroids to stack it with, plus before and after results.
What is the Nandrolone Phenylpropionate steroid?
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate, also known by its abbreviation “NPP”, is an anabolic steroid that is similar to Nandrolone Decanoate (Deca Durabolin). The only difference between the two is that the Phenylpropionate ester is attached to the anabolic steroid molecule. NPP is almost identical to Deca Durabolin on a chemical level, but if you compare them side by side, the two forms of Nandrolone are quite different.
Although they contain the same hormone (nandrolone), the phenylpropionate ester makes NPP small and compact, which gives it a faster rate of release than Decanoate. The Decanoate ester version of Nandrolone will release much slower into your bloodstream, which allows for a longer half-life. However, the Phenylpropionate ester version will leave the body much faster, thus allowing for more rapid results.
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In addition, it has been proven that Nandrolone Phenylpropionate is the most side effect friendly anabolic steroid as well as being one of the safest anabolic steroids on the market. Nandrolone itself does not aromatize into estrogen, but a large percentage of the drug is converted into estrogen due to the high amounts of androgen receptors that are found in muscle tissue. This can lead to side effects such as bloat, water retention, and gynecomastia.
Bodybuilders use Nandrolone Phenylpropionate for many purposes, but most notably for bulking. It provides rapid and noticeable results, and the body’s ability to use it makes it an appealing choice for those who are seeking to gain lean muscle mass quickly.
Another great aspect of Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP) is that its effects can be maintained even after you stop using it. Once you stop using NPP, even if your only source of nutrition is running on a treadmill for 3 hours daily, you will continue to gain muscle because the effects of this steroid remain active in your system.
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NPP steroid function in body – How it works
The way NPP works inside the body is by triggering the manufacture of proteins in muscle cells. Protein is essential for muscle growth, and Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP) works to provide more protein than the body would normally produce without supplementation.
Improved recovery
The use of NPP helps the body to retain essential nutrients such as proteins and carbohydrates, which are necessary for the growth and repair of muscles as well as overall vitality.
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate provides a strong anabolic effect on connective tissue, which improves the body’s resistance to fatigue and helps prevent injury. It encourages collagen production due to its anabolic properties, and this helps to prevent muscle from being damaged during workouts. This is especially helpful for athletes who regularly put their bodies under extreme amounts of stress.
NPP also works to strengthen the bones, which is another benefit that most bodybuilders turn to it for. This steroid can help people with osteoporosis or thinning bones recover much quicker than they would if they chose not to use Nandrolone Phenylpropionate. In the case of osteoporosis, Nandrolone Phenylpropionate can help to repair damage caused by bone thinning and increase density in order to prevent further degeneration.
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Better endurance
NPP can increase the production of red blood cells, which helps to carry more oxygen around the body and contributes to an increase in endurance levels.
It can also help to reduce stress on the joints because it causes damage that needs to be repaired in muscles, bones, tendons, and ligaments instead of soft tissues. The steroid encourages synovial fluid to be released into the body to as a lubrication for repair which creates protection from dry joints during high intensity weight training.
Fat reduction
NPP can also help speed up fat loss because it increases metabolism, allowing for increased caloric expenditure which leads to greater weight loss.
Better immune defenses
During a cycle, NPP acts as a stimulant of the immune system, helping to promote higher production of lymphocytes and leukocytes at a much faster level than what would normally be possible in a healthy individual. This in turn helps your body fight off infections and diseases more effectively.
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NPP Benefits in bodybuilding
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate is a commonly used steroid in bodybuilding, allowing users to gain muscle quickly and reduce recovery time between workouts. The steroid can help users recover from workouts faster so that they can spend less time resting and more time working towards their physical fitness goals.
It is usually taken by men who are looking to increase lean muscle mass without spending too much time working out, but Nandrolone Phenylpropionate can also be taken by women who want to increase muscle.
This steroid’s high level of effectiveness is due to its ability to boost the production of lean muscle mass and provides users with a large amount of strength that will help them to carry out daily tasks or just bulk up before competitions.
NPP can help people stay in shape since it encourages muscle definition. The increased rate of fat breakdown that Nandrolone Phenylpropionate provides also helps to maintain a leaner look.
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate can help men avoid the side effects that many steroids cause while increasing their strength and allowing them to bulk up quicker, but it still has a number of side effects that may put users at risk for other health problems long-term.
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Most common Nandrolone Phenylpropionate side effects
There are also several side effects associated with NPP. Although NPP is not as dangerous as other steroids like Dianabol, it still has the potential to cause damage. It is important to remember that the more of this steroid you take, the more likely you are to suffer from side effects.
Virilization in Women
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate can cause women who use it to grow facial hair, which they will have to remove in order to maintain a feminine appearance. Female users should also be aware of the side effects such as the enlargement of a women’s clit steroids can cause due to excess androgens in the female body.
Androgenic side effects
NPP can also negatively affect the cholesterol levels of users, damage the heart and the liver, cause hair loss and acne, increase their estrogen levels leading to gynecomastia (the development of feminine breast tissue in men), and cause headaches, dizziness, high blood pressure, nausea, or vomiting.
Interruption in bone growth
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate can be extremely dangerous for teenagers because this steroid can cause their bones to grow much more quickly than they would if they had hit puberty naturally, which could make them shorter as a result.
The best way to avoid experiencing any of these negative side effects is to use Nandrolone Phenylpropionate in small dosages and for shorter periods of time.

NPP Dosage on Cycle
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate is an injectable steroid and cannot be taken orally. NPP can be injected into muscles (intramuscularly) roughly 3-4 times a week with each dose being between 50mg and 100mg. Since the drug has such a short half-life, users will typically buy NPP and combine it with Testosterone Propionate or another shorter ester steroid in order to maintain blood levels within stable ranges for long periods of time.
Many athletes and bodybuilders will take a dosage of Nandrolone Phenylpropionate 100mg to 200mg per week when cutting and from 400mg to 600mg per week when bulking. Likewise, those who are just beginning to use steroids like NPP should opt for 50mg to 100mg every other day, but experienced users can take up to 200mg every other day.
For PCT (Post-Cycle Therapy), taking Clomid is the best option. The common PCT drug Nolvadex will be ineffective for post-cycle therapy after a cycle of NPP. For long cycles, you may want to consider the use of additional drugs such as Cabergoline, HCG or other similar drugs. Read about the best Liquidex dosage for PCT, as well as reviews on Gonadorelin here.

What steroids to stack with it
NPP can be stacked with other steroids when bulking and also during cutting cycles. When stacking Nandrolone Phenylpropionate, there are several options that are effective and at the same time easy to combine.
The most common combination for NPP is with the steroid Testosterone Propionate, which has similar usage frequency and effects without causing excessive side effects.
Other effective combinations for bulking purposes include Nandrolone Phenylpropionate combined with Equipoise, Dianabol or Anadrol.
When used for cutting cycles, it is common to stack NPP with Winstrol. Nandrolone Phenylpropionate will prevent the side effect of stanozolol that causes joints to become dry and sore.
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NPP results before and after
NPP is by far one of the most effective injectable steroids used in bodybuilding because its results are so rapidly noticeable. The hormone nandrolone provides lean muscle growth and astonishing endurance and strength gains. Many bodybuilders and athletes praise NPP for its ability to provide significant results in a short period of time.
Most men usually prefer the Decanoate ester version of the steroid for bulking because it lasts longer and provides a slower release rate, but Nandrolone Phenylpropionate provides faster results and is less expensive to produce, so it’s all down to personal preference and the user’s goals.
Take a look at photos of Ronnie Coleman before steroids like NPP, to see the real results of taking this steroid. Plus, read about how Dave Palumbo and Carrot Top gain muscles in such a short amount of time.

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate reviews from bodybuilders
- Jack Meadows (July 7, 2021): I have been using NPP for the past 2 cycles and the results are great. So far, I have not experienced any negative side effects. I stacked NPP with Testosterone for 6 weeks. It was very easy to use so NPP is a great choice for beginners or veteran steroid users who want a quick boost in strength and lean muscle without any hassle.
- Bradley Rudkin (July 14, 2021): When I started using NPP it wasn’t long after I had starting using steroids altogether and after 3 months on this compound, my muscles were much harder and fuller than before. My strength increased dramatically and so did my weight because I was able to lift heavier weights for greater repetitions. The best results came from stacking NPP with Trenbolone Acetate so I am planning on doing this again in the future.
- Bertrand Cortes (July 22, 2021): Nandrolone Phenylpropionate is not as effective as other drugs on the market but it is worth taking for beginners or people who are new to using steroids because of its low cost and ease of use. It is also very good for stacking because it is fast-acting and quickly builds muscle mass. To gain proper bulking results, I recommend that you stack NPP with other steroids like Trenbolone, Dianabol, or Anadrol if possible.
- Jean-Claude Ledochowski (August 30, 2021): This is a great steroid to start off with but it does not work as well as others so I do not recommend it to people who have been using steroids for a long time or those who want insane results.
- Norman Borders (September 5, 2021): I have been struggling with my weight for the past year, and about a month ago, I tried using NPP. Just a month later and I have already seen great results and I am planning on using it for another month at least. I recommend that beginners or inexperienced steroid users give NPP a try because of its ease of use and low price.
- Jeffrey Porter (September 13, 2021): I used to be very skeptical about Nandrolone Phenylpropionate but after trying it out, the results were great. I had more strength than ever before and my muscles got very lean and hard, even though the dosage was not that high. It is also very easy to move up in dosage or stack it with other steroids so that is another reason why people should give this compound a try.
- Randy Westbrook (September 19, 2021): Nandrolone Phenylpropionate is a very mild steroid so it is perfect for people who are new to taking steroids or have never used them before. It did not give me any side effects and after I stopped, everything went back to normal. My muscles did not lose any definition either but they just became harder and more ripped.
- David Garcia (September 26, 2021): Nandrolone Phenylpropionate is a very good choice for beginners because it is mild and easy to use. Its effects are noticeable but not as dramatic as stronger steroids so I would suggest stacking it with other compounds for greater results.
- Stephen Jones (October 17, 2021): If you are struggling with your bulking and looking for an easy way out then Nandrolone Phenylpropionate is a great choice. I stacked it with Testosterone and Dianabol and the results were very good. My muscles were full and ripped and I did not experience any negative side effects either.
- Carlos Ramirez (October 25, 2021): I have been using Nandrolone Phenylpropionate for many years now and even though it is not as effective as other steroids, it is still one of my favorites because it is very mild. My muscle growth was great but without any side effects so I recommend starting with this compound before trying out other stronger steroids.
- Eli Peterson (November 1, 2021): I’ve not tried many other steroids but Nandrolone Phenylpropionate was very effective for me so I do not see the need to switch to anything else. The results were good and although there were no side effects, I would not mind trying out other compounds in the future.
- Jeff Morelli (November 9, 2021): Nandrolone Phenylpropionate is very mild so it was perfect for me because I am not used to taking steroids and I did not want to experience any side effects. My muscles grew in size but they also got harder so I recommend stacking it with another compound for better results.
- Robert Tran (November 16, 2021): I have been using Nandrolone Phenylpropionate for a few months now and I have not experienced any side effects so far. The gains were good but they were not dramatic either so it is perfect for beginners or people who do not want to risk their health in the name of gaining muscle.
- Bryan Hines (November 23, 2021): Even though this steroid was not as effective as Testosterone or Dianabol, it still did its job and helped me gain some decent muscle mass. I recommend it to inexperienced people who do not want to face any potential side effects.
YouTube videos to watch in order to learn more about the steroid
- Nandrolone | Anabolic Steroids with Dr. Rand McClain:
- How to use and dose NPP (Nandrolone Phenylpropionate): By Dylan Gemelli: