Mr Roni (Ronnie Coleman) And His Last Photos
Today we will talk about the unbending spirit, Hulkbody, and iron will of the eight-time Mr. Olympia winner Mr Ronnie Coleman. His fans call him “The King” of bodybuilding, and his opponents say that the bodybuilder has brought the extreme dimensions of muscle mass to fashion. The competitive period of the bodybuilder is already behind him, and most of his fans are worried about the current form of the man, how much Ronnie Coleman natural weighs now compared to what did when he was competing will blow you away.
Ronnie Coleman announced the end of his career as a professional bodybuilder in 2007, but after that he continued to train in the hall and from time to time excited the modern world of bodybuilding with threats of return. By periodically showing his physique in guest appearances it is made clear to his fans that his physique will not be enough to compete with the new generation of bodybuilding stars. His musculature is still decent, but it slowly worsens as the man takes a step back from the intense form of training that he once did.
Overview on the Hard work of Ronnie
This was well understood by the athlete himself and directed all his attention towards promoting his own sporting brand “Ronnie Coleman Signature Series.” Marketing in the modern world is not a simple matter, so he had to combine his training with visits to major exhibitions and forums, and this is when old injuries started to manifest.
Following a herniated disk in 1996 when preparing the Arnold Classic, Ronnie appeared in public on crutches in 2018 where he explained that he had 8 operations on his back, 3 on his neck, and 3 on his hip. He has now had both hips replaced, which he called wear and tear, but also mentions it could be genetics as his brother and uncles have all had the same. After multiple surgeries on several areas of his body, Ronnie says his body isn’t half as strong as it used to be.
Big Ron’s fears about his health and emotional state can be understood, but by listening to his appeal to his fans before the operations, where he thanked everyone for their support, shows he’s not too worried. After the operation Coleman posted happy photos online with friends and family.
Read also about anti-catabolic drug
Did Ronnie Coleman use steroids?
Coleman is completely open about how he won Mr Olympia with steroids back in the day. So some will say that the deterioration of Ronnie’s health is due to his use of anabolic steroids. This statement may be accepted as true if you say that steroids helped him to push his body too hard, but the fact that the men in his family have suffered the same health issues without the use of anabolic steroids shows that steroid use is likely not to blame here.
Ronnie Coleman steroids that he advised
The list of steroids that Ronnie has confessed to using during his bodybuilding career is not as vast as you might think (it’s similar to the Carrot Top steroids list). Ronnie’s admitted to using testosterone, Dianabol (e.g. Dianabol 20) and Growth Hormone in interviews, we just assume he was taking these classic drugs in higher doses than most bodybuilders would take. Plus, he would have been getting expensive, high-quality gear.
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This wouldn’t have had too much strain on his body as long as he was taking proper precautions like proper use of aromatase inhibitors, etc. This includes taking Letrozole, Exemestane, or Anastrozole pills during the cycle, as well as HCG or similar peptides to protect his hormonal function. Read about the results of Gonadorelin here, plus reviews on Liquidex (liquid Anastrozole).
Likely, he would have tried more modern steroids like Trenbolone Acetate, Winstrol and possibly NPP, for his pre-contest cutting cycles. Never tried NPP? Read Nandrolone Phenylpropionate reviews here. But maybe he liked the idea of sticking to what he knows since the likes of Testosterone Enanthate, Dbol and HGH are what brought him his success in bodybuilding in the first place.
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Ronnie before and after steroids cycles

Ronnie Coleman struggled to win Mr Olympia for many years before he started his winning streak in 1998 continuing into 2005. This would have been when he started to use steroids to improve his performance. If you look at Ronnie Coleman in Mr Olympia 1991 (before steroids) compared to 1998 (after steroids), you can see the growth that the man was able achieve in that timeframe. The huge muscles, 3D veins and minimal water retention during his 1998 Mr Olympia win are not only due to consistent training, but also regular steroid use. Read our Dave Palumbo tips for effective training and cycling.
Photos of Ronnie Coleman before steroids

Ronnie Coleman has not always been a hugely muscular guy, he had to put a lot of sweat, tears, time and money into becoming an 8-time running Mr Olympia winner. He has said in interviews that good genetics played a role in his body transformation but good steroids would have been the key to becoming “The King.”
Are you a female bodybuilder? Read interesting information about steroid clit causes in our article.