Manufacturer of steroids – Geneza Pharmaceuticals
Genesa: detailed description
Full name: Genesa Pharmaceuticals
Official website:
Steroids from Genesa Pharmaceuticals have been unofficially available in the Customs Union for several years. The long history of their sporting application allows to draw a conclusion about the average good quality of drugs. The effectiveness of the products is evidenced by both good demand and mostly positive assessments of athletes.
The range of Genesa Pharmaceuticals includes drugs for virtually any sporting tasks – from weight loss, like clenbuterol, to a set of muscle mass like testosterone enanthate. The choice is not limited to steroid anabolic and androgen alone for oral (tablets) or parenteral (injection) applications, but they occupy a leading position.
Buy steroids from Genesa Pharmaceuticals, as well as study their detailed reviews, you can freely in our online store. For our clients we provide the highest quality service, as detailed in the “FAQ” page.