Lady Anavar 10MG
How does this drug work on the body. What kind of effect should be lady anavar expected. Scheme of steroid taking, its side effects.
Oxandrolone is one of the types of anabolic steroids that has gained popularity due to its safety and minimal side effects. Unlike some other steroids, this drug is great for girls and women. What are its features? How to take it? What are the possible side effects during the course?
Women and Anabolic
In practice, the use of hormonal drugs – a common phenomenon. Most often they are used for the treatment of cancer diseases. But even with this appointment, the reception should be lady anavar carried out under the strict supervision of doctors. Otherwise, the risk of such a phenomenon as virilization increases. What is already discussed about the active use of steroids to achieve athletic performance. In
To explain the popularity of steroids among girls and women is not difficult. The intake of such additives accelerates the process of growth of endurance and strength, hypertrophy of muscles, growth of self-esteem and self-confidence, increased sexual activity and increased libido. All the factors mentioned above are important for both women and men.
The problem is that the perfect sex should take these drugs with caution. In particular, it is necessary to take into account the percentage of fat, body weight, activity of metabolic processes, living and feeding conditions, health level and so on. In this case, the reception of any potent steroids should always be done under the supervision of a doctor.
If we talk about the most safe steroids for women, then it is worth highlighting oxandrolone. Its main feature is the lack of virilization in principle. In addition, the reception in no way affects the so-called “growth zones” for beginning athletes. The only thing that they will differ is the dosage. But about everything in more detail.
Properties of the preparation
Before considering the characteristics of the reception for women, let us consider the main properties of oxandrolone. There are several of them:
- The drug, unlike other anabolic drugs, does not in any way inhibit the production of testosterone. Consequently, after completing the course, there is no need to take additional (restorative) drugs.
- Absence of aromatization. Plus oxandrolone and the fact that it does not aromatize, which excludes the growth of female sex hormones during the course. This is a big “bonus” for professionals, because there is no need to “poison” the body with drugs lady anavar that reduce the level of estrogen. From this position, the drug is safe for men. Unlike other steroids, there is no danger of gynecomastia. Interestingly, the fact that exceeding the permissible dosage rarely leads to side effects (for example, to the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics).
- Operating principle. The action of the drug is aimed at blocking the production of cortisol and eliminating the destruction of muscle mass. That is why its reception allows to avoid “drying up” of a musculature even at active aerobic loadings or deficiency of useful substances.
- Creation of creatine phosphate. One of the main features of the steroid is the ability to increase strength. On the other hand, it gives a weak effect in the collection of muscle mass. At his reception the force will grow, but the volume of muscles is unlikely.
Negative effect on the body
Despite comparative safety, he still has side effects (although they rarely happen). The main risks include:
- Diarrhea. It is not difficult to explain this phenomenon. The drug has an irritant effect on the
mucosa. Therefore, taking large doses at the same time (more than 40 mg) can lead to frustration. This is especially true if the tablets have got into the body on an empty stomach. But there are athletes who consider such features only a plus and the opportunity to once again clean the intestines of “garbage”. In any case, to avoid problems, it is recommended to organize the reception during or after eating. - “Pressure” on the liver. Oxandrolone inevitably loads the liver and makes it work for wear. On the other hand, the negative impact is lower than that of the same methane or stanozolol. Consequently, in the presence of problems with this body, it is better not just to reduce dosages, but also to completely abandon steroids.
Scope of application
There is an opinion that the drug can be taken only in bodybuilding for better results and nowhere else. But this is not so. The range of its action is quite wide:
- Steroid found application in medical practice – for women and children. Its reception helps to restore the skin after damage (for example, burns). Plus, the drug is that it gently acts on the body and does not violate its own hormonal system.
- Oxandrolone is popular among athletes, siloviki, who connect it to their program of “chemicalization” and take between more powerful courses. The properties of anabolic can save the earned result and exclude catabolic reactions. It turns out that the body rests from the main course, but the resulting result remains unchanged.
- Increase in strength. This approach is recommended for those athletes who plan to get the result, but do not want to leave the weight category before the performances.
- For drying. The peculiarity of the drug is that it does not allow the muscles to “burn” under the action of cortisol. Experienced athletes note that timely reception lady anavar ensures maximum relief without much harm to the body. Anabolic is also appreciated among women who get the expected form much faster.
- For the first year. Oxandrolon is a reliable companion for beginners, who have set serious tasks, but are still afraid to take serious medications. When the body is not yet used to steroids, even a small dosage will be enough to get the result.
How much to drink?
No less important issue is the dosage of the drug. So, men need to take 40-80 mg per day, and women and children are much less – 10-30 mg per day. Do not take the whole portion at a time – it is divided into two or three meals. Explain this recommendation is simple. The peculiarity of the steroid lies in the fact that its half-life is about 7-8 hours. Therefore, if you divide the lady anavar reception into several parts and take each portion at a clearly marked time, the concentration of the substance will be constant during the day.
If you take the supplement at a time, then in the body after 8-9 hours from the drug there will be no trace. So to receive the greatest effect the reception should be uniform.
As for the increase in dosages, which many athletes go to, there is no point in this. Admission of more than 100 mg per day does not give additional results. Simultaneously, the cost increases, because this drug is not cheap.
The average duration of the course should be at least 30 days, the ideal option – 60 days.
Is there an alternative?
Practice shows that oxandrolone is not the only steroid that is suitable for women. There are several other options:
- Methenolone (primobolan) – a drug considered one of the best anabolic for the fair sex. Its reception excludes the appearance of virilization even at high dosages – from 0.4 grams per week or more. In practice, women are not recommended to abuse lady anavar them (it is better to stop at a dosage of 100 mg / week).
- Oxymetholone is a drug that has been increasingly used in medicine lately. Its main purpose is to help protect the muscles from destruction in patients with HIV infection. Studies have shown that a dosage of 100-120 mg did not lead to virilization. On the other hand, it is not recommended to exceed the dosage of 50 mg per day.
- Boldenone is a relatively safe steroid, but abuse of intake (from 200 mg or more per week for a long period) leads to virilization – the appearance of hair on the body and face.
Proceeding from the foregoing, we can draw a number of conclusions:
- Oxandrolone has only two pronounced qualities – protection from catabolic processes and increased strength. As for increasing the mass, here it is ineffective, although for the first course it will be useful here.
- Thoughtful use does not lead to side effects – neither during the reception nor after the course.
- Receiving a steroid does not lead to a decrease in the lady anavar production of its testosterone. In addition, there is no aromatization, which allows you to take the supplement to people of all ages.
As already mentioned, oxandrolone is a relatively safe and reliable steroid, which was created for the peculiarities of the organism of women and children. It lacks the effect of aromatization, there is no problem with reducing the production of its testosterone, there is no negative effect on the liver lady anavar and other organs.