How Do You Fight Steroid Weight Gain?
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Wondering how to lose weight on steroids? You’re not alone. Many people who take steroids, whether for medical reasons or for bodybuilding, find that they put on weight very quickly. While some of this is muscle mass, a lot of it is simply excess water and fat. Thankfully, there are ways to lose steroid weight gain – you just need to know what they are! In this blog post, we’ll discuss the most effective methods for shedding those extra pounds and where to find them. So read on – you might be surprised by what you learn!

Why do I Gain Weight on Steroids?
Oversimplifying the answer to this question, you put on excess weight because you’re taking in more calories than you burn. Steroids increase your appetite and make it harder to exercise (we’ll talk about that later), which means you end up eating too many calories for your body to deal with. The result is simple: an increased number of fat cells within the body. But there are other reasons why people who take steroids tend to put on weight, including:
Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) , also promoted by professional athletes like track runners, sprinters, weightlifters, football players, wrestlers etc., has shown great results in increasing physical strength and stamina. Since the past decade or so, young athletes and sports persons have been using these known drugs for performance enhancement.
AAS’s are anabolic and androgenic steroids that mimic the testosterone hormone in the human body. They promote protein synthesis, nitrogen retention and increase bone density by increasing calcium absorption in bones. Athletes inject or swallow AAS to increase strength & stamina, accelerate the fat loss process without dieting, enhance aggressiveness, etc.
See also about Anabolic Androgenic Steroids
Other Causes of Weight Gain
Of course, steroids aren’t the only cause of weight gain. As we’ll discuss later in this article, there are many factors that can make you put on excess pounds. Common examples include:
- Lowered metabolism (also known as reduced thyroid function).
- Side effects from antidepressants.
- Increased appetite on testosterone replacement therapy.
- Side effects from antipsychotic medication.

How to Lose Steroid Weight Gain?
- Cut down on your calorie intake
The most obvious way to lose weight is to consume fewer calories than you burn. This means watching what you eat or drink and being conscious of the number of calories you’re consuming each day. Try to make healthy choices, such as eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, and avoiding processed foods full of sugar and fat.
- Work out regularly
A healthy diet is a great start, but to really lose weight you need to be physically active as well. Get yourself a gym membership, hire a personal trainer or just do some push-ups – whatever gets your heart rate going! If you’re not used to exercising regularly then speak with your doctor first. Many steroid users find that working out helps them deal with the negative effects of steroids, such as lethargy. It also makes it easier to burn off any excess calories that might otherwise turn into fat cells in the body.
- Drink lots of water
Water is essential for the human body, and when we don’t drink enough our bodies can become dehydrated. When this happens, the body stops burning off excess fat to conserve energy. It also makes it harder for our kidneys to process any excess steroid metabolites that might remain in the system, which means it takes longer for us to lose weight. Start by drinking at least two liters of water per day and aim to drink more when you’re taking steroids.
- Take Diuretics
Diuretics are medications that increase urination levels, making it easier for the kidneys to eliminate unneeded water from the body. This is important for losing weight because cortisol – a steroid hormone – causes retention of sodium and fluid. As a result, diuretics can be effective tools in fighting weight gain because of cortisol building up within the bloodstream. An example of an effective diuretic product is Aldactone which contains the substance, Spironolactone.
- Take a natural cortisol blocker
Cortisol blockers can help in two ways. Firstly, they prevent cortisol from binding to the receptors in the body that would normally be targeted by anabolic steroids. Secondly, they stimulate the production of testosterone and other hormones that counteract cortisol, such as DHEA.

- Use supplements designed for weight loss
The supplement industry is huge these days, and it’s possible to find all kinds of pills and powders which help you lose weight quickly and easily. These include non-steroidal drugs like Clenbuterol, or some may even contain steroids themselves, such as Liothyronine (T3). If you do decide to use supplements while taking AAS we recommend only purchasing supplements from trusted manufacturers like Alpha Pharma, Maxtreme Pharma, Eminence Labs, etc. (read on to find out where you can buy these popular brands online).
- Try a healthy detox
If you’ve been taking steroids for an extended period, or if you’ve been stacking different types of AAS together, then your body might be overloaded with toxins. This can cause all sorts of health problems, including weight gain. A healthy detox can help to eliminate these toxins and restore the body to its natural state. There are many different methods for detoxing, so find one that suits you and give it a go.
- Cut out alcohol
Alcohol is high in calories, and it can also interfere with the body’s ability to lose weight. If you’re serious about losing weight, then it’s best to avoid drinking altogether. This might be difficult at first, but with time and effort it’s doable.
- Get enough sleep
Lack of sleep can cause all sorts of problems, including weight gain. When we’re tired our bodies produce more cortisol, which in turn can lead to the accumulation of excess fat. Make sure you get at least eight hours of quality sleep per night if you want to lose weight while taking steroids.
- Stay positive and motivated
Finally, remember that the most important thing when trying to lose weight is staying positive and motivated. Losing weight is hard work, but it’s worth it in the end. Keep your goals in mind, stay focused and never give up!
Final Thoughts: Things You Need to Remember
It’s worth remembering that if you want to lose weight while taking AAS then there are certain things you need to do and certain things you need to avoid. Some of the things we’ve talked about in this article will help, but others can make it more difficult for your body to fight against the fat-building effects of cortisol.
If you’re serious about losing weight, then it might be a good idea to get some outside help from a nutritionist or medical professional. They’ll be able to give you personalized advice based on your goals, height, weight, gender, age etc. The information in this article is designed as a rough guide only, and it’s important to remember that everyone’s reaction to using steroids will be different.
But, if you think you are at that point where you would like to try some of the substances mentioned in this article in order to combat your weight gain, you can buy them at a discounted price with a credit card in our Online Sports Pharmacology Store. All products for sale in our catalog are genuine pharmaceutical-grade products from trusted manufacturers which have been tested for the purpose of weight loss.