Hexarelin is a peptide agent of the GHRP
Hexarelin is a peptide agent of the GHRP group, which promotes the secretion of growth hormone. Initially, the peptide was developed for use in the medical field, however, later it got to the market of sports pharmacology, where it gained considerable popularity. Structurally, the preparation is an almost complete analog of the peptide GHRP-6. It is endowed with the same properties, use in a similar scheme and in identical dosages. For this reason, one drug can be safely replaced by another during the course of increasing the production of growth hormone and stimulating the development of muscles.
The drug Hexarelin has excellently proven itself in medicine, and as an aid to athletes. In therapeutic practice, this peptide can be used to regulate the level of growth hormone and therapy of ailments that cause its degradation. In bodybuilding, you can inject it to stimulate the growth of muscle mass and increase strength and endurance, again due to the additional production of GH (growth hormone).
Note that the peptides from St Biotechnology Co can be quickly checked for originality. This is done with the help of a security code located under the holographic sticker on the box. However, such a protection system is found only on new batches of drugs. On the old she is absent. Also, the box with the new peptide is glued on both sides with special stickers, which in case of opening leave a “void” inscription, indicating that an attempt was made to open it.
If you purchased a peptide from us, then at stbiocode.com you can get confirmation that this is an original product:
What is Hexarelin: a description of the effects of the drug
If you take Hexarelin and its analogues together, you will observe a synergistic effect (a significant increase in the effectiveness of all drugs used). So, for example, with the combination use of the drug with GHRP-2, it is possible to achieve the maximum possible secretion of GH.
To the advantages of the drug, except for efficiency and harmlessness, it is also possible to include the way of consumption. It has been proved that Hexarelin peptide can be effectively administered by various routes: by injection, subcutaneously or intramuscularly, or inwardly, under the tongue or between the upper lip and the gum. The fact is that the molecules of this peptide are so small that penetrating through steroids for sale the mucous membrane and getting into the stomach, they simply do not dissolve, which means that the effectiveness of the drug itself does not decrease.
However, Hexarelin injections, rather than ingestion, are more popular among athletes. The fact is that injections, no matter how effective other methods of administration are, still have greater bioavailability.
It is worth noting that, regardless of how Hexarelin was used, its effect remains gradual. The drug lasts about five hours. In the first thirty minutes after administration, a rapid increase in the level of GH is observed. Over the next hour, the level of growth hormone begins to decrease gradually. At the end of the fifth hour after administration, the concentration of GH is returned to the baseline values.
The main effect of Hexarelin, as already noted, is to stimulate the production of GH, for this reason, almost all effects of the drug coincide with those of growth hormone:
• The drug provides an increase in strength;
• The intake of the drug guarantees an increase in endurance;
• The introduction of the peptide ensures the burning of excess fats;
• The drug accelerates the growth and development of muscle tissue (increases volume and relief).
These are all the main effects of Hexarelin, however, this pharmacological agent has a secondary effect:
• Rejuvenating effect on the skin, hair, nails, etc .;
• Normalization of immune reactions and strengthening of the body’s immune system;
• Protective effect on the liver;
• Anti-inflammatory effect;
• Strengthen the bone structure of the body and the bones themselves.
Important: in a number of laboratory and clinical experiments it was confirmed that if Hexarelin is used in injections, side effects do not occur. On the contrary, taking this peptide in the form of injections leads to additional protection of the body, to improving the work of immunity. The only defect in the work of the drug can be called redness at the injection site, arising in isolated cases and only when the maximum permitted doses are administered.
This drug, although studied from and to, however, about the effects that it shows in the female body is practically nothing is known. Whether the application of this peptide means by women to the occurrence of side effects or has an exclusively positive effect on the female body, it is difficult to say. Therefore, female athletes are recommended to resort to the use of other pharmacological agents, time-tested.
Hexarelin 2mg storage is the last thing to say. To prevent the drug from losing its effectiveness, it must be hidden from sunlight and protected from temperature changes. It is best to keep the closed preparation in a dark and dry place at a temperature of about 4 degrees Celsius (this, if storage is carried out for a short period – around 1-2 months). At a temperature of about -18-20 degrees, the powder can be stored for up to several years (for greater reliability, the storage temperature is recommended to be lowered, down to -40 degrees Celsius). By the way, the storage time of the closed keg with the substance is at least 24 months, during which it will retain all its positive properties (when storing the closed peptide, do not violate the integrity / integrity of the package, in this case the keg).
Peptide injections with insulin needle: my favorite injection site and other tips
How to take Hexarelin in solo and use in combinations?
The administration of this peptide agent is carried out according to a static scheme, with constant dosages and precise time of administration. Before taking Hexarelin, you need to know what doses to use, how often to enter them and for how long?
However, not only this should concern the athlete. To begin with, you also need to learn how to breed Hexarelin and with what “solvents” do it?
In general, there are several liquids for injection. The first is sterile water for injections. You can find it in any pharmacy, it is available in different volumes. So with the acquisition of problems should arise. The second “solvent” is vitamin B12 or, more simply, water for injections (sterile water or tank water), in which vitamin B12 was added. Its main advantage is a long shelf life. Closed vitamin B12 can be kept in the refrigerator for about 4 years, during which time it will not lose its properties.
Planning a reception of Hexarelin, you can also use nat. Solution (this is a 0.9 percent solution of sodium chloride). Find it, as well as sterile water for injection, you can in any pharmacy in your city.
But, as a rule, it is recommended to use bactericidal water. This fluid has several very significant advantages: first, it prolongs the storage time of substances dissolved with its help (in this case up to 30-35 days); Secondly, it is based on benzene alcohol, which easily expands with any bacteria.
The breeding of Hexarelin is carried out according to certain rules, it is not recommended to violate it. First, before preparing the solution, heat the vial with the drug to room values, just put it for about half an hour in a dark place outside the refrigerator. Second – before cooking, let the air into the barrel, it will not have time to damage the powder in a few minutes, and no influence will be exerted on the solution. Thirdly, do not allow the solvent to directly hit the powder, it should slowly flow down the walls of the keg. Fourth – do not shake the bottle, it is better to put it in the refrigerator, after a while the powder will dissolve without your intervention. Store the same solution is best at a temperature of 2 to 4 degrees in a dark and dry place, if the temperature rises to 8 degrees, then it’s okay, most likely,
If we talk about taking the drug, then everything is quite simple: the optimal single dose of Hexarelin – 1 μg of the drug per 1 kg of your weight. The drug should be administered three times a day (in the morning, after training and before bedtime). Increase the frequency of use or dose does not make sense, since this will not increase the effectiveness of the peptide.
The Hexarelin course lasts no more than 1-2 months. Otherwise, if you exceed the allowable course duration, immunity may develop and the peptide will cease to affect your body. After the course of admission has ended necessarily make a pause, which will last 7-14 days. After this, you can resume taking the drug according to the same scheme.
But not only the individual application of Hexarelin brings its dividends, the combined use is also useful. Thus, this peptide can be combined with CJC-1295 DAC, with GRF (1-29) or with GHRP-2 to increase the efficiency. During the reception of any of these combinations, a synergistic effect will be observed.