Boldenone Undeclynate (EQ 300) – reviews of the drug
So, we are talking about the drug Boldenone Undeclynate. In this case it is a common steroid of a new generation, EQ 300 which is based on the effects of anabolic and androgen. It can also be found under such well-known brands as Boldebal, Boldabol, Hanabol, Boldesten.
The basis of this steroid is a molecule of Dianabol. The chemical composition of this agent is in fact based on the testosterone molecule, which has a double bond between the carbon atoms (first and second).
By the properties of the effect, Boldenon surpasses such well-known drugs as Undesilenate and Equipoise. Some specialists draw parallels between Boldenom and Nandrolone, which is completely untrue, since they have very different effects on the human body. They have a different mechanism for working in the muscle cell.
Currently, various forms of this drug are available. Thus, in addition to the form o f undesilenate, Boldenone acetate and Boldenone propionate are also available. All these steroids EQ 300 have the same effect on the degree of influence on the body, the difference between them is only in the duration of the release of the active substance of the drug into the blood.
What effect can you get from taking Boldenone
The effectiveness of any drug is evaluated based on the final result of its use. In particular, in this case one can single out the following advantages of the presented new steroid:
- Increased influence on the set of muscle mass. The peculiarity of the drug is that the muscle mass increases in volume not so fast, but qualitatively enough. In order to add the rate of muscle growth with this quality, you need to apply to acetate or propionate Boldenon;
Increased strength. The use of this drug always leads to a real increase in the total weight of the athlete;- Significantly increases appetite;
- The mass of erythrocytes in the blood increases, because under the influence of Boldenone red blood cells are formed much more rapidly. As a result, the muscles are largely enriched with oxygen, with increasing loads on them, lactic acid is not produced. And this, in turn, reduces muscle fatigue, and increases the athlete’s endurance. Therefore, this drug and is often taken in sports, focused on increased endurance. It, first of all, sportsmen often of a high class, engaged in track and field, ski, and other sports.
The course of Boldenone without additional drugs
Before starting the use of this drug, you need to undergo an appropriate examination and get after him a doctor’s consultation. It is he who will recommend the admissible consumption rates of Boldenon. Important will also EQ 300 be the already available experience in the use of appropriate drugs that have a positive effect on muscle mass and body strength. It is also desirable to take into account the physiological characteristics of the athlete’s organism, the degree of tolerance of androgens and anabolic agents, and establish the ultimate goal of consuming this steroid.
In accordance with the already existing practice, the average period of application of Boldenone as a separate course of influence on certain areas of the body is eight to ten weeks. At the same time, no more than 400-800 mg of this drug can be used at a time (per week), if it is a man, and 50-100 mg if a woman is using it.
Before you start, you should stop at the lowest dose, check the body’s reaction, and only if everything is normal, you can continue the course, gradually increasing the dosage.
Although side effects are very rare when taking Boldenone, since this drug has a moderate effect on the body cells, and works, as already mentioned above, gradually.
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Courses of joint application of Boldenone in combination with other steroids
In order to resolve the issue of including other drugs in a complex with Boldenone, you should first of all know what purpose it is necessary to achieve by this combination. So, for example, EQ 300 to get the effect of “drying” the best ACC are considered such as Anavar and Winstrol, and to gain muscle mass – Trenbolone and testosterone.
Applying the last of the above mentioned combinations of steroids, it should be taken into account that
After a two-week course, post-course therapy is necessary, and to restore the impaired secretion of testosterone, boosters (special sports nutrition and certain supplements, mainly for increasing muscle strength and libido, and also correcting the existing level of sex hormones) should be taken during the month.
There are a number of popular integrated courses based on Boldenon. Here are some of them: The course for weight gain involves the combination of 200 or 250 ml of Boldenone and testosterone enanthate (500 mg ) . This is a good layout for the athletes who are just starting out. Here, the main component eliminates the effect of testosterone on the level of estrogens and androgens in both men and women.
Then, the use of Anastrozole is gradually introduced (according to the existing experience – in the tenth week no more than half the tablet once every two days) and Tamoxifen(added at 11-14 weeks to 20 mg every 24 hours, EQ 300 reducing the dosage gradually to 10 mg by the last week). In addition, in the first eight weeks, the use of a drug such as Equipoise with a dosage of 800 mg every week is added.
- The course for weight gain involves the combination of 200 or 250 ml of Boldenone and testosterone enanthate (500 mg ) . This is a good layout for the athletes who are just starting out. Here, the main component eliminates the effect of testosterone on the level of estrogens and androgens in both men and women. Then, the use of Anastrozole is gradually introduced (according to the existing experience – at the tenth week, no more than half the tablet once every two days) and Tamoxifen (added at 11-14 weeks to 20 mg every day, reducing the dosage gradually to 10 mg by the last week) . In addition, in the first eight weeks, the use of a drug such as Equipoise with a dosage of 800 mg every week.
- A course that allows you to gain a dry muscle mass. Here the main part, similar to the first composition – 200ml of Boldenon. As additives, 100 ml of EQ 300 testosterone propionate and 50 mg of Winstrol are used (included from the sixth to the tenth week). This course is distinguished by the fact that the muscular volume gained is of high quality.
What are the side effects of Equipoise?
Equipose is characterized by the feature that it has a double bond between the first and second carbon atoms. This allows some slowing down of the aromatization process. This steroid has half as much activity as testosterone.
Side effects such as high blood pressure, swelling, or gynecomastia, with the use of Boldenon in combination with Equipoise is almost not observed. Therefore, in this case there is no need to take anti-estrogens. In addition, due to the low level of androgenic effect, this steroid can be taken without fear and to women. Virilization is practically not manifested. With the application of these drugs, there are almost no cases of baldness, hypertrophy of the prostate, acne. With proper use of Boldenone, no negative effects are observed.
Reviews about the drug Boldenon undsilenate
All who have already used this drug, EQ 300 give him a positive characteristic. First of all, note the fact that muscle mass is recruited slowly, but qualitatively, as well as gaining strength indicators.
Women who used this drug in their reviews talk about the minimum doses of Boldenon, but the best thing about it can say doctors who in their prescriptions determine the dosage and additional components. This helps to completely eliminate all possible negative manifestations from the use of steroids.
Also in the reviews there are complaints about the high price of the drug. But since it is of high quality, something has to be sacrificed. But there are many cases when athletes choose EQ 300 cheaper and less qualitative AAS.