Bench press powerlifting
Bench press is a very common exercise in various sports disciplines. Powerlifting did not remain indifferent either. In order for the exercise to be effective, and the result of its implementation was happy, it is necessary to study the technique of performing bench press, and correctly work with the projectile. In this article, we will try to disclose all the subtleties of performance, we will tell about the benefits of warming-up and other nuances that are sure to be useful to an inquisitive athlete.
Exercise not only makes it possible to develop qualitatively the muscles of the thoracic zone. He has so many different advantages. So, it affects almost all the pectoral muscles on which the strength of the torso and arms depends – these are triceps and deltas.
Many athletes do not understand where in this simple-minded exercise there are so many technical subtleties. But they are. First of all, you need to understand that this is not an exercise for competitions in athletics – it is used solely to improve the strength and endurance of the athlete.
Bench press assumes a high load on some muscles, for example, on triceps. Also used are irreplaceable deltoid muscles. The purpose of bench press is to load the delta as much as possible. For this, a convenient narrow grip is selected. At the same elbows are pressed against the torso of the athlete, and do not jerk.
The technique of bench press lying in powerlifting
The starting position for the exercise should be as follows: the athlete lays on the bench’s surface so that it is possible to hold the bar in the chest area. In this case, the hands should be straightened.
After that, the bar drops to the chest, hands return to the position from which the exercise was started. But that does not mean that you finished the exercise with the projectile. Completed it will be considered only when the bar returns to the support.
You need to know that you need to use the maximum weight for a press one single time. Exercise is not in vain called basic. It is used for the development of pectoral muscles, their qualitative study, as well as for increasing the strength and endurance of the athlete. Only proper execution is able to give the result necessary to the athlete.
Bar position
When you are just learning to perform this exercise, you need to constantly monitor the trajectory of the rod’s movement – it should touch the chest in the zone where the solar plexus is located.
You can also choose an average grip that will help regulate the load. Hvat depends on the experience of the athlete, his abilities and goals, which the athlete pursues. Already during the exercise, if the muscles are used to working correctly, and the execution mechanism is worked out, it is not necessary to monitor the movement of the fretboard.
The position of the elbows
As we have already said, the elbows must be pressed against the body, as this is a good way to relieve the muscles from the load, and to work out the correct trajectory of movement.
Weight Choice
It is important to choose a comfortable weight, with which you can maximally load the muscles to perform a bench press in a fast rhythm. Most often, athletes resort to using about 85% of the maximum.
The athlete lies exactly, does not jerk, does not move, does not shake his head. The bar is taken so that the average comfortable grip is observed (the more grip, the easier it is to lift the weight). The bar should seem to “fly off” from the chest, which in sports is designated by the term “release”. A fast pace of execution will help to increase the volume of the muscles of the chest, maximize the load of muscles and work them out.
Body position
The body should lie straight, it should not have any bends. You can also try to “pumping” the muscles, if you slow down the pace of bench press performance. By the way, this exercise is suitable for isolating a muscle, when it is required to load one of them, and all the rest simply to remove for a while from work.
For powerlifters bench press is an exercise that is part of the competition and performances. To raise the maximum weight, you must follow the rules:
- Reduce the radius of the hand movements as much as possible. Weight while choosing the maximum.
- Try to involve a large number of muscles. That they are involved in the work, it is necessary as best as possible to train and warm them up.
- In powerlifting, the exercises are slow, because the main thing is to raise the maximum.
How to reduce the amplitude?
To reduce the amplitude, you need to increase the grip. This is logical, because the wider the grip, the more weight is available to us. And, therefore, we can work to the maximum. But there are cases when the athletes made such a wide grip that it was not possible even to move the bar from the spot. That’s why a maximum of 81 cm was introduced. A wide grip for a beginner is a very inconvenient task, you have to get used to keeping the neck in this way. Only a quality and thorough training will help to carry out the exercise correctly.
Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that bench press powerlifting differs from press lying in bodybuilding and other sports. He has his own characteristics, the main of which is that the exercise is performed in competitions. To perform this kind of press as correctly as possible, we recommend that you practice the classic bench press to work out the muscles of your chest. Perform bench press as a competitive exercise can only be when the muscles are worked out, and are able to raise the maximum weight.
Also, we recommend that you work through several basic – basic – moments in this exercise. They include the starting position, wide grip, the position of the elbows and the body (without the bridge). And also pay attention to the trajectory of the arms movement and the direction of the sight. The sight should not wander. It is equally important to work out breathing, supports on legs and trunk.