Arnold’s method is a program for bodybuilding
Training methods Arnie is still popular among athletes. Learn all the secrets of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s training program by reading our article.
Often non-standard solutions can bring outstanding results. Bodybuilding is no exception, as for constant progress athletes need to experiment. However, very often athletes move along a well-trodden track, using constantly the same exercises. As a result, many gifted athletes failed to achieve their goals.
At the initial stage, Arnie’s training sessions also took place in the same vein. The comrades in the hall prepared a training program for him. They were the authority for most visitors of the hall and constantly competed among themselves. However, Schwarzenegger had a lively mindset, and he was able to avoid the shackles of the routine of the training. If this had not happened, the world would never have known Conan and the Terminator. At least, as we know them.
He did not want to stay with his comrades in the provincial hall and wanted to arnold schwarzenegger’s training program conquer the world. Today, the conversation will focus on the Arnold technique – a program for bodybuilding. It was thanks to her, according to Arnie, and was conquered by “Olympia”.
Principles of the Arnie program
Supersets were first invented by Joe Wyder and used to work on small muscles. But Arnie came up with the idea of creating her own supersets for the muscles of her back and chest. The results surpassed all expectations.
By rules, the superset is based on combining exercises aimed at developing muscle-antagonists. The first supersets were intended for triceps and biceps training, which was quite logical. Large muscles are trained to pump through basic movements and large working weights.
Arnie decided to combine the training of the two most difficultly trained groups – chest and back. Before that, no athlete trained in this way. And the point here is not only the need to have a huge will to implement extreme approaches, but also a very short time spent on it, because each group required to give it less than half an hour. At the same time, all the famous athletes spent more than an hour on this. But, despite a large number of skeptics, Arnie began to use his program, and the result of these exercises is known to all.
Arnie training method
Arnold’s method – the program for bodybuilding proved to be very effective and physiological explanations can be found. Thoracic muscles and back muscles are antagonists. When breathing in, the muscles of the back unfold their shoulders, and the chest compresses compress them when exhaled. Thus, these groups are involved in one arnold schwarzenegger’s training program physiological process and interact most closely at the level of the central nervous system. In the work of one group, the muscles of the second are provided with a tide of blood, and, consequently, their nutrition improves.
Training program Arnie includes nine exercises, four of which fall on each of the muscle groups, and the last exercise is polluver. Probably, it should be recalled that only thanks to this exercise you can simultaneously use the muscles of the two groups under consideration.
The total number of sets is 45, and the rest between them should not exceed one minute. Thus, the entire training takes about 45 minutes.
Nutrition plan for Arnold
Arnold reinforced hardcore-style workouts with plenty of food with a predominance of quality products. When compiling the diet, he was guided by the following principles:
- Frequent meals: 5-6 meals a day. 3 full-fledged meals and 2-3 snacks with quality whole foods.
- Calories: up to 5000 calories per day.
- Protein intake: 300 grams or more per day.
- Post-training carbohydrates : within 30 minutes after completion of training.
- Protein cocktails : if necessary, cover the daily norm of the protein.
Supernet Arnie №1
This superset opens the Arnold technique – a program for bodybuilding. It consists of a press in the position of lying down and pulling up a wide grip. The author of the technique squeezed 60 kilograms for 30 to 40 repetitions.
When doing the bench press, the following “pyramid” was used: 15-15-12-8-6. The working weight increased as you moved along the “pyramid”. Also it should be said that when using powerful breathing during the exercise, the chest widens, which slightly increases the arnold schwarzenegger’s training program effectiveness of the bench press.
Supernet Arnie №2
At this stage, the rod of the t-bar and the inclined bench press are in the prone position. For the upper chest, the inclined bench press is the most optimal exercise, and thanks to the use of the t-bar, the widest muscles of the back are perfectly stretched. The “pyramid” of the set had the following form: 15-12-12-10-10 repetitions.
Supernet Arnie №3
This superset combined traction in the slope with a wide grip and the cultivation of dumbbells in a prone position. Arnie was well aware of one of the most common injuries – rupture of breast muscle from
Supernet Arnie №4
The superset consisted of push-ups with weight and narrow pull-ups. Arnie used the weight of the weights at pull-ups of about 40 kilograms, and each set of push-ups on the uneven bars consisted of 15 repetitions. But Arnie was pulling up in a very traditional way.
On the crossbar, he placed the V-shaped handle. The one that is used in traction on the block from above and to the belt. He pulled himself up, grasping the hilt. In each set there were 12 repetitions. It was the final superset in Arnold’s technique – a program for bodybuilding.
Half-heart Arnie
Schwarzenegger was very fond of polluvery. There was a lot of talk about their effectiveness, but Arnie was sure that this exercise is necessary. Those who are familiar with the anatomy of the human body know that the extremities of the ribs are connected to a massive flexible tissue – the sternum. Due to this, the ribs also have the mobility necessary for arnold schwarzenegger’s training program inspiration and exhalations.
After completing the training session, Arnie sat opposite the mirror and posed. He learned from the medical literature that due to the static load on the muscles they cause ischemia or, more simply, lack of oxygen. Then the muscles gain a large amount of oxygen. As you know, oxygen is a powerful anabolic and Arnie was confident that posing after training has a positive effect on muscles.