Alprazolam LPH 1mg
Alprazolam is a drug, an anxiolytic (anti-anxiety agent), a alprazolam lph medium-term benzodiazepine derivative that is used to treat anxiety disorders, panic attacks.
Alprazolam is close to triazolam by its chemical structure, differs from the absence of the Cl atom at phenyl at position 6. Alprazolam has less pronounced hypnotic effect. It is used mainly for short-term withdrawal of feelings of anxiety, fear, anxiety.
Absorption after admission into the fast and complete . TCmax – 1 – 2hours . The connection with plasma proteins is 80 %. Can passthrough the placenta , the hemato – encephalic barrier , penetrate intobreast milk . Css in plasma is typically achieved in within a few ( 2 – 3 ) days . Metabolized in the liver to inactive orinactive metabolites . In the metabolism of the drug , isozymes CYP3A4 , CYP3A5 and CYP3A7 are involved . T1 / 2 – 11 – 16 hours . It is excreted mainly by kidneys in the form of compounds with glucuronic acid . Accumulation alprazolam lph duringrepeated appointment – minimal ( refers to benzodiazepines with an average T1 / 2 ), excretion after discontinuation of treatment is rapid .
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Disturbing conditions and neuroses with anxiety , stress , anxiety , irritability , deterioration of sleep , somaticdisorders . Panic disorders ( treatment ). Tremor ( senile , essential ). Insomnia .
Hypersensitivity , coma , shock , myasthenia gravis , closure glaucoma ( acute attack or predisposition ), acutepoisoning alcohol ( with weakening vitally important functions ), narcotic analgesics , hypnotics and psychoactivedrugs means ; severe COPD ( progression of the degree of respiratory failure), acute respiratory failure ; severedepression ( suicidal tendencies may manifest ); pregnancy ( especially I trimester ), lactation period , age under 18years ( safety and efficacy not determined ).
With caution
Hepatic insufficiency , chronic renal insufficiency , cerebral and spinal ataxia , drug dependence in the history , the tendency to abuse of psychoactive drugs means , alprazolam lph hyperkinesis , organic diseases of the brain brain , psychosis (possible paradoxical reactions ), hypoproteinemia , nocturnal apnea( established or presumed ), advanced age .
Mode dosing
Inside , 2 – 3 times a day , regardless of the reception of food . Doses are selected in depending on the severity of the syndrome , the individual sensitivity of the patient and his reaction to the drug . Acceptance of the drug should beginwith minimal doses – at 0 . 5 mg 3 times a day ,medium – therapeutic dose may vary in the range 3 – 6 mg , the highest daily dose – 10 mg . The duration of alprazolam administration is up to 3 months . If it is necessary to stoptherapy, the dose is gradually reduced by 0 . 5 mg every 3 days .
Side Effects Alprazolam
From the nervous system
At the beginning of treatment ( particularly in elderly patients ) – drowsiness , feeling of tiredness , dizziness , decrease in the ability to concentration of
On the part of the organs of hematopoiesis
Leukopenia , neutropenia , agranulocytosis ( chills , pyrexia , pain in the throat , excessive tiredness or weakness ),anemia , thrombocytopenia .
From the digestive system
Dryness in the mouth or salivate , heartburn , nausea , vomiting , decrease appetite , constipation or diarrhea ; violation of liver function , increased activity of ” liver ” transaminases and alkaline phosphatase , jaundice .
From the genitourinary system
Urinary incontinence , delay urine , violation function kidney , decrease or increase libido , dysmenorrhea .
Allergic reactions
Skin rash , itching .
Influence on the fetus
Teratogenicity ( especially I trimester ), depression of the central nervous system , violation of respiration andinhibition of sucking reflex in infants , mothers who used the drug .
Addiction , drug dependence ; lowering blood pressure ; rarely – a violation of ( diplopia ), reduction in weight of the body , tachycardia . In sharp decrease dose or cessation of reception – syndrome cancellation ( irritability , anxiety , disorders of sleep , dysphoria , spasm of smooth muscle internal organs and skeletal muscles , alprazolam lph depersonalization , strengthening sweating , depression , nausea , vomiting , tremor , disorders of perception , in fact includinghyperacusis , paresthesia , photophobia ; tachycardia , convulsions , rarely – acute psychosis ).
Overdose Alprazolam
Symptoms ( taking 50 – 60 mg )
Drowsiness , confusion of consciousness , decrease reflexes , nystagmus , tremor , bradycardia , dyspnea , orshortness of breath , decrease blood pressure , coma .
Gastric lavage , reception of activated charcoal. Symptomatic therapy ( maintenance of breathing and arterialpressure ), administration of flumazenil ( in hospital settings ). Hemodialysis is ineffective .
Special instructions
In the process of treatment with alprazolam, patients are strictly prohibited from drinking ethanol . The efficacy andsafety of the drug in patients under the age of 18 years is not established .
With renal / hepatic insufficiency and long-term treatment , control over the picture of peripheral blood and ” hepatic ” enzymes is necessary .Patients , nottaking previously psychoactive drugs means ” correspond ” to the drug in a low dose for comparison with patients , receives antidepressants , anxiolytics or suffering from alcoholism .
With endogenous depression, alprazolam can beused in combination with antidepressants . When applying Alprazolam patients with depression noted cases ofdevelopment of hypomaniacal and manic state . Like other benzodiazepines , alprazolam has the ability to cause drugdependence during long-term admission in large doses ( more than 4 mg / day ). With
At occurrence in patients with such unusualreactions , as the increased aggressiveness , acute state of excitement , a sense of fear , thoughts of suicide, hallucinations , increased muscle cramps , difficult falling asleep , superficial sleep , treatment should be discontinued. The period of gestation is used only in exceptional cases and only for ” vital ” indications . Has a toxic effect on thefetus and increases the risk of developing congenital malformations with application in the first trimester of pregnancy. Receiving therapeutic doses in more recent periods of pregnancy can cause depression of the central nervoussystem alprazolam lph of the newborn . Continuous use at the time of pregnancy may lead to physical dependence with thedevelopment of the syndrome of ” cancellation ” in the newborn .
Children , especially at a young age , are verysensitive to the depressing central nervous system by the action of benzodiazepines . Using directly before childbirthor during time delivery can cause in newborn depression of respiration , decrease of muscle tone , hypotension , hypothermia and weak act of sucking ( syndrome ” flaccid child “).
In the period of treatment is necessary to observecaution when driving vehicles and occupation of other potentially dangerous kinds of activity , requiring an increasedconcentration of attention and quickness of psychomotor reactions .