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Steroids gone wrong

Steroids gone wrong

At present, there is no better means to gain muscle mass than anabolic steroids. However, the lion’s share of athletes do not know how steroids gone wrong and half of the real side effects of their use, as well as methods to combat them.

Nevertheless, most negative aspects of the use of anabolic drugs can be avoided by following simple recommendations.

General preventive measures

  • Do not use large doses of chemicals
  • Do not practice steroids for more than 2 months
  • Use such anabolics, which to a lesser extent affect the production of your own testosterone
  • Exclude the use of drugs that adversely affect liver function
  • To prevent gynecomastia and restore normal secretion of testosterone use antiestrogens.

Contraindications to taking anabolic steroids

  • Do not use chemicals to build up mass and strength if your age is less than 21 years. A change in the hormonal background during this period will lead to a disruption in the growth of bones.
  • It is not recommended to take anabolic women.
  • Refuse to take anabolic if you suffer from heart defects. Otherwise, the exacerbation of the disease is unavoidable.
  • Renal and hepatic insufficiency.
  • Hypertension.
  • Benign prostate tumor.
  • Atherosclerosis.

10 Worst Side Effects of Steroid Abuse

Prevention when steroids gone wrong

Suppression of own synthesis of testosterone

Suppression of the production of own testosterone is an inevitable phenomenon, when steroids gone wrong. When hormones enter the body, there is a signal that the level of sex hormones is exceeded in the plasma, which leads to suppression of their production in the testicles.

This process is a feedback. The fact that the body constantly supports homeostasis, so increasing the concentration of a hormone is accompanied by the suppression of its production in the corresponding glands. Thus, the endocrine balance is provided.

How to avoid?

This process is reversible. To minimize the negative effects of steroids gone wrong, use gonadotropin . This agent effectively increases the natural production of testosterone, and also prevents atrophy of the sex glands.

In general, gonadotropin is produced continuously, but during the course of steroids its synthesis slows down. The introduction of exogenous gonadotropin restores the hormonal balance and preserves the function of the gonads.

The dosage of this substance depends entirely on the intensity of the steroid course. If you practice a short course (up to 4 weeks) and take only one Anabolic Steroid Research chemical, then there is no need for an additional gonadotropin supplement. If the course is more than 4 weeks, use increased dosages and apply several different drugs, do 2 gonadotropin injections per week for 500-1000 ml, starting from the third week of the course.

It is often said that gonadotropin should be taken immediately after the end of the course, but this is not right. In this case, the tissues of the sex glands will not receive the proper stimulation and will begin to atrophy. Such a process is very dangerous for the body, and in no case can it be tolerated. It is also worth noting that the need for additional injections of gonadotropin is not related to mass gain, but to safety.

Damage to the liver

This side effect is one of the most popular, but its real significance is not so great and fatal. Very often, thematic portals and publications present this problem as an inevitable consequence of the use of chemical preparations for mass recruitment.

  • Damage to the liver causes steroids gone wrong in the oral form, that is, in the form of tablets. Such drugs are destroyed bypassing the liver, but they have a toxic effect on it.
  • Side effects on the liver manifest only when the recommended dosage is exceeded.

These statements were confirmed in the laboratory. So, in the course of scientific research it was found out that a violation of the liver is observed at a 10-fold excess of recommended doses ( Deca-Durabolin , Winstrol ). When using methandrostenolone , liver damage was observed with 80 mg injections per day, while the recommended dose of application was 20-30 mg.

Other experiments were conducted on humans. Two groups of athletes were selected, one of whom practiced the intake of anabolic steroids at higher dosages. As a result, after 3 months, these athletes were diagnosed with liver damage, but after 3 months, there was no trace of the changes. Thus, it can be concluded that the disruption of the liver as a result of taking anabolic steroids is that steroids gone wrong.

How to avoid?

  • Do not exceed the recommended dosage
  • Do not use anabolic steroids in tablets
  • If you use steroids, give preference to injectable forms.


Gynecomastia is a benign increase in the size of the mammary glands. This side effect is very unpleasant, but it arises from stupidity, and it’s quite easy to eliminate it.

Gynecomastia is caused only by those chemicals that have a strong aromatic effect. These include methandrostenolone, all kinds of testosterone, Sustanon and so on.

Such steroids as Boldenon , Primobolan , Winstrol and Oxandrolone are less aromatic, so they do not lead to gynecomastia.

How to avoid?

During the period of taking highly flavored steroids, take antiestrogens starting from the second week of the course, because steroids gone wrong.

Very often in the halls you can hear that, they say, anti-estrogens should be taken only after the termination of the course and when the first symptoms of gynecomastia appeared. In fact, this is a gross error, because of which many “chemists” suffer from gynecomastia. Antiestrogens should be used throughout the course of taking anabolic steroids, because gynecomastia is irreversible.

Acne vulgaris (acne)

This side is also very common. Acne is caused by the activation of sebaceous glands under the influence of chemical preparations, which leads to increased production of sebum, inflammation and acne formation. Especially strongly this effect is expressed in strong androgenic anabolics.

Steroids gone wrong

How to avoid?

  • Watch for skin hygiene
  • Use the drug Accutane

Increased cholesterol levels in the blood

Taking steroids lowers the amount of healthy cholesterol in the blood of the athlete and increases the level of harmful cholesterol. In the future, this process can lead to the development of atherosclerosis.

In practice, such violations in the body are rare, since taking steroids is always temporary. For 4-6 weeks of the course of taking anabolic cholesterol level does not lead to a change in the work of internal organs, and after the course ends its level returns to the initial value.

How to avoid?

  • Include in the diet of omega-3 fatty acids
  • Reduce the intake of animal fats

Cardiovascular diseases

There is an opinion, when steroids gone wrong, they negatively affects the work of the cardiovascular system. Most likely, this conclusion is related to their effect on cholesterol. In addition, the use of these drugs leads to hypertrophy of the ventricles of the heart.

How to avoid?

  • Do not practice too long courses
  • Use aerobic workouts
  • Reduce the intake of animal fats

Hair Loss

This side effect can manifest itself in the event that you have to it a genetic predisposition. For example, if no one has suffered from baldness in your family on the paternal or maternal line, then, most likely, you have nothing to fear. Otherwise, this phenomenon is almost inevitable.

The main cause of baldness during taking steroids is the presence of dihydrotestosterone , which provokes this process. You can try to avoid it by using only those drugs that are not converted into this substance.

Stopping Growth

This is an irreversible process that is relevant only at a young age, when the bone growth zone is not yet closed. In this regard, you should not take steroids under the age of 21 years, because they can steroids gone wrong. Especially strongly affect the growth of high-aromatherapy anabolics.

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