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Steroid Detox and Cleanse

Steroid Detox and Cleanse

Expert’s note:  According to modern medical data, the concept of organism purification is recognized as unscientific and even dangerous. In the human body, slags do not accumulate, and if this happens, then for a specific disease, which requires cure. Methods of cleansing the body come from ignorance and charlatans who try to earn money on this or get famous. Perhaps, one of the most “hot” problems of bodybuilding is Steroid Detox and Cleanse. This makes it lack of real recipes for the return of chemists to normal life.

Now everyone already knows that the steroid “pumping” does not make sense: a muscle soaked in all rubbish is quickly “blown away.” In fact, there is no Essential Fatty Acids alternative to natural training. Only he gives a mass, as they say, for ages. Moreover, these are real, not cosmetic muscles – not only large, but also strong. How to be the one who, tempted by quick success, still managed to sit firmly on the steroid needle?

This is a big problem, and besides massive. After all, more than 90% of all pros use prohibited drugs – 5-10 years or more in a row. But, as they say, how much a rope does not curl, and from a needle Steroid Detox and Cleanse it is necessary. How to approach this correctly, what consequences are awaited by clever “chemists”?

Steroid Detox and Cleanse is a phased process

Problems associated with the rejection of “chemistry”

1 problem.  I will say at once, the first will be a solid loss of muscle mass – this inevitably follows the discontinuation of medication. But this is not the worst thing. It’s more terrible than the other. For any “chemist” with experience, regardless of gender, discontinuing drug intake will invariably be accompanied not only by physiological, but also by psychological problems. Especially painful last – and especially for bodybuilders. Hormonal imbalance strongly affects the emotional psyche, and a woman who is accustomed to pricking her male hormones, it seems as if she is going crazy. In this state, many bodybuilders commit inadequate, ridiculous, and sometimes dangerous actions.

By the way, often for this reason, bodybuilders return to taking steroids – they clearly see that without them they simply can not live.

2 problem.  The second psychological problem is depression. It applies equally to men and women. You can understand such a state – overnight, the mass accumulated over the years disappears, the force falls, the habitual “steroid” enthusiasm for training disappears.

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Now about physiology

Recall that steroids have a pronounced anti-catabolic effect. Simply put, they are struggling with cortisol, the natural catabolic hormone of our body. It is well known that cortisol is intensively produced in athletes. What do steroids do? They block the receptors of cortisol. The hormone produced in the course of heavy intensive exercises (especially when you “bomb” the muscle to a full “failure” in 15-20 sets), can not “stick” to the receptors and, consequently, is wasted. This situation the body perceives as an emergency and tries to correct it, increasing the number of cortisol receptors in muscle cells. While the flow of steroids is not interrupted, everything is fine. But it is necessary to stop pricking, as the body abruptly passes into the catabolic state. Through new receptors, muscles begin to rapidly “suck in” cortisol.

3 problem.  There is also a third problem – especially dangerous for men. The use of steroids, as a rule, leads to a decrease in the level of natural testosterone. How low it “falls”, depends on the duration of admission of anabolics and their “fortress”. Studies have shown that even a ten-day course of taking Dianabol even in minor doses (up to 20 mg per day) leads to a 30-40% decrease in the level of “one’s own” testosterone. And this is very serious. Sex glands with a half-turn you will not get.

Suddenly, a deficiency of testosterone causes a sharp decrease in potency. The problem is complicated by the fact that when taking anabolics in the body, the level of estrogen, the female hormone, increases. Why? Yes, because usually both these hormones in the body of a man are balanced in a certain proportion. If the blood becomes more testosterone, the body draws to the new bar and the level of estrogen. Than it threatens? And the fact that when you throw a spike, there is very little testosterone in the body, but a lot of estrogen. As a result, the female hormone begins to dominate in the body of the “chemist”, which has descended from the needle. The consequences, as they say, are obvious: the whole set, including gynecomastia (an increase in mammary glands according to the female type).

Why am I talking this conversation? Yes to the fact that if you really decided to Steroid Detox and Cleanse “chemistry” – which is good, then you should act carefully (especially if you took steroids for a long time). The main thing is not to “tie” suddenly; It is necessary to soften the physiological factors of steroid “breaking”. You can not get away anywhere, you’ll have to sit for a while on “chemistry”.Steroid Detox and Cleanse

Drugs that will help during steroid detox and cleanse

What drugs will help those who decided to steroid detox and cleanse”? Let’s start in order. 1) Clomid will restore the balance of testosterone; 2) Nolvadex and Proviron will help “contain” estrogen; 3) Catabulism can be reduced by Clenbuterol, injections of growth hormone (GH) and thyroid hormones, Citadren.

As is known, Clenbuterol affects the respiratory system, Citadren also has a bad reputation (remember the death of Andreas Münzer). In addition, the above drugs will have to be obtained illegally, and this, as a rule, is not easy. In general, treating “chemistry” with “chemistry” is not an enjoyable occupation. Nevertheless, I will say that there is no other way than to kick the wedge with a wedge. It’s naive to hope that you stop taking steroids, and everything will somehow recover by itself. No, the descent from the “needle” should be accompanied by a serious pharmacological program. It is not everyone can afford, and not everyone has the right acquaintances in medicine, especially in sports. That’s what you need to remember when you make a decision to “chemize.” It’s easy to start, but it’s hard to steroid detox and cleanse!

Get off the needle slowly

Let’s say you planned when you start jumping. Start by taking an inventory of the remaining drugs. Determine what you will need to “soften” the “breaking” effect, and what can already be discarded.

To be precise, from the “needle” you do not have to “jump off”, but “crawl”. Yes, slowly “crawl” for 4-6 or more weeks (it all depends on your “chemical” length of service). During this period, you should gradually reduce your usual daily dose. You need to start with the most powerful tools like Dianabol, Anadrol. 2 weeks after strong drugs, reduce the intake of tablets: Winstrol, Anavar, Primobolan, as well as doses of intramuscular injections: Decchi, Primobolana. And to reduce the dose should be evenly every week-with such a calculation, to completely stop receiving by the end of 4-6 weeks (or after a longer period – again, it all depends on your length of service).

Reception of sports supplements in Steroid Detox and Cleanse

Together with “chemistry” do not take in head to give up a hot hand and the protein.

On the contrary, it is better to increase the daily protein dose to 4 g per 1 kg of weight. And in general, always remember that protein is the main material of muscle growth. Increasing the dose of protein – especially whey protein – has proven to be good for strengthening the immune system. This is very important for those bodybuilders who are still indulging in “chemistry” – they are poorly protected from pathogens and viruses. Serum, in turn, thanks to a unique set of amino acids restores the protective functions of the body.

Unfortunately, now it is very often possible to stumble upon poor-quality, cheap whey protein. Do not believe the advertising, no matter what she says. Remember: the cheapest cheese is in a mousetrap. It is important to know that only an expensive product can be really good. Alas, but for quality you have to pay.

Changes in nutrition and training when joining the “natural” bodybuilding

Take into account a few important tips. By joining the “natural” bodybuilding, you will have to change the training program and power scheme.

To compensate for the slowing of metabolic processes, reduce the level of calories by 25-30% (only not at the expense of protein foods!). By the way, less will have to train, because for some time the body’s ability to restore will be lowered.

And the last – for “heavy chemists” with experience. Return to normal sports life personally you can only with the help of an experienced doctor, preferably not by hearsay familiar with sports medicine (which, incidentally, is not easy to find). It’s about the endocrinologist. But the main thing is not to lose heart. No matter how far you go, it’s still possible to end steroid dependence. And the earlier, the better.

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