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Steroid clit, clitoromegaly

Steroid clit, clitoromegaly

steroid clit

The clitoris is the female sexual organ. It’s no secret that the clitoris is one of the main erogenous zones of the female body. The length of the clitoral head is normally about 3-4 mm, its width is about 4 mm. The phenomenon of clitoromegaly or an increase in the clitoris is observed in those cases when this organ is 2-3 times bigger than the prescribed dimensions. At the same time, there is no mention of the moments of sexual arousal, during which a slight increase in the clitoris is normal. So, does this feature actually present a danger to a woman’s health?

What is clitoromegaly?

Each organ in the human body has certain characteristics through which it can be recognized whether it conforms to the norms. One of these characteristics is the size. If the size of any organ significantly exceeds the standard, then it means there is a possible harmful effect in the body, or the symptom of a disease. The phenomenon of steroid “clit” (clitoromegaly) is an increase in the clitoris, in which the size of this organ significantly exceeds the norm.

Clitoromegaly “Medical Condition”

However, this “medical condition” is not seen as a negative phenomenon for some women. In fact, many females seek clitoral enlargement therapy in order to purposefully increase the size of their clitoris to enhance sexual pleasure. There are various ways in which this is performed but the most effective method is by taking androgenic steroids like testosterone or even DHT. Since DHT is a form of treatment for micropenis conditions, it’s said to also be effective at increasing clitoris size, because the penile and clitoral tissues are similar.

Effects of taking steroids on the clit

This feature of the body can either be inherited or developed. The causes of hereditary clitoromegaly include:

  • Genetic disorder (Fraser syndrome)
  • Excessive adrenal activity, leading to the release of excessive amounts of androgen hormones

When the phenomenon of clitoromegaly develops in an adult woman, experts say that it’s caused by the following reasons:

  • The presence of a clitoral cyst
  • Hormonal disorders, which can occur due to hypertension, polycystic ovary syndrome, or arrhenoblastoma
  • The use of anabolic steroids

It’s only in rare cases that the phenomenon of Steroid clit is not accompanied by hormonal imbalance.

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Women’s clit after steroids

Steroid clit is an extremely rare condition that occurs due to excess androgens in the female body. The increase in androgen hormones such as testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) can cause the clitoris to enlarge so much that it resembles the size of a man’s penis. This is an unwanted occurrence for most females.

The danger of using steroids for women

An abnormal size of the clitoris in most cases is the result of disturbances in the functioning of the body. As stated, some women provoke the development of this abnormality themselves, whether it be intentional or not. This is generally due to taking anabolic steroids. This includes the anabolic steroids for sale in our store, which is a group of substances that is similar to the hormone testosterone, but also comes in various other forms like Anavar or Nandrolone Phenylpropionate. Read more info about the NPP steroid or Geneza Dbol.

Women are typically not advised to take anabolic steroids, but in some cases, they are prescribed steroids to treat certain diseases. For example, the same steroids for sale in our store are used to normalize intimate life, and the activation of sexual desire in women. In these cases, if a woman has detected an increase in the clitoris as a result of the use of steroids, the expert will recommend changing the dose of the substances taken or stopping treatment altogether.

Another way of developing clitoromegaly due to the use of steroids is the enthusiasm for bodybuilding. Some women are aware of the dangers of using high doses of potent anabolic steroids but disregard the potential negative effects in order to build their physique in the same way that a male bodybuilder would like Rich Piana, Dave Palumbo, or Ronnie Coleman now.

Read more interesting celebrity facts in our Carrot Top steroids and Aaron Carter SHAQvoke the development of this abnormality themselves, whether it be intentional or not. This is generally due to taking anabolic steroids. This includes the anabolic steroids for sale in our store, which is a group of substances that is similar to the hormone testosterone, but also comes in various other forms like Anavar or Nandrolone Phenylpropionate. Read more info about the NPP steroid or Geneza Dbol.

Women are typically not advised to take anabolic steroids, but in some cases, they are prescribed steroids to treat certain diseases. For example, the same steroids for sale in our store are used to normalize intimate life, and the activation of sexual desire in women. In these cases, if a woman has detected an increase in the clitoris as a result of the use of steroids, the expert will recommend changing the dose of the substances taken or stopping treatment altogether.

Another way of developing clitoromegaly due to the use of steroids is the enthusiasm for bodybuilding. Some women are aware of the dangers of using high doses of potent anabolic steroids but disregard the potential negative effects in order to build their physique in the same way that a male bodybuilder would like Rich Piana, Dave Palumbo, or Ronnie Coleman now.

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Side effects from bodybuilding for women

Bodybuilding is a kind of physical activity, in which special attention is paid to the beauty of the human body and the volume of muscle mass. To create amazingly defined muscles, athletes often resort to the use of anabolic steroids. The impact of these substances on the human body has two sides.

On one side, steroids help build muscle mass, reduce fat deposits, and strengthen bone tissue. This is important for people involved in bodybuilding. But, on the other hand, steroids cause an effect called androgenic activity, in which there are side effects such virilization or “masculinization” in women who use anabolic steroids.

Masculinization is the appearance of secondary male sexual characteristics in women. This means stereotypical male features will start to appear on the female body. One of the manifestations of masculinization can be clitoromegaly, as well as beard or mustache growth, excess body hair (hirsutism), acne, oily skin, irregular periods, male pattern baldness, changes in body fat and muscle distribution, smaller breasts, and a deeper voice.

Masculinization is an irreversible process. But if the increase in the clitoris is a consequence of a significant change in the hormonal background, it is necessary to normalize it. Otherwise, violations in the work of other organs and body systems are possible. Strong changes in the hormonal background are fraught with infertility, as well as kidney and heart disease.

Danger of taking steroids for women clit

As we have already noted, the development of clitoromegaly in many cases is due to hormonal problems in the female body. Therefore, an increase in the clitoris should be the reason for contacting a specialist. It may be necessary to consult a gynecologist, an endocrinologist, an oncologist. These doctors examine the condition of the body and determine whether there is a need for treatment.

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Masculinization is an irreversible process. But if the increase in the clitoris is a consequence of a significant change in the hormonal background, it is necessary to normalize it. Otherwise, violations in the work of other organs and body systems are possible. Strong changes in the hormonal background are fraught with infertility, as well as kidney and heart disease.

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What is Clitoromegaly?


Each human organ has its own characteristics, according to which one can judge its compliance with the norm. One of these important characteristics is the size of an organ. The enlarged organ can be an innate pathology and not bring any harm or vice versa – be a symptom of any serious health problems. The increase in the female clitoris, in which its size exceeds the norm, is called clitoromegaly. This is a rare enough anomaly, in extremely rare manifestations the clitoris can be so much enlarged that even resemble the male penis. This disease is certainly a cosmetic defect interfering with a woman to lead a normal sexual life, but also it is worthwhile to understand the Aaron Carter SHAQ question whether this indicates any violations in the body or is simply an external difference.
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Why does clitorohmelia develop?

The disease can have both congenital and acquired form. The main reasons for the development of clitorogram are:

  • hereditary predisposition (Fraser syndrome);
  • increased work of the adrenal glands, in the course of which too many androgen hormones are produced;
  • presence of clitoral cyst;
  • shifts of the hormonal background, which can occur in the syndrome of polycystic ovary, hypertension and other diseases;
  • reception of anabolic-androgenic steroids;

It should be noted that clitoromegaly can also occur without obvious violations of the hormonal background.

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Caution for women while taking steroids

Clitoromegaly can be congenital in nature, but very often women themselves provoke the development of this pathology, for example, taking a high amount of drugs.

Anabolic-androgenic steroids can be prescribed to a woman as a medicine for increasing female libido and enhancing sexual desire. However, if a woman watches an increase in the clitoris when taking this medication, she should immediately contact a specialist to reduce the dosage or even cancel the medication.

In addition, an increase in the clitoris can be observed in women, when taking anabolic steroids in connection with enthusiastic bodybuilding.

Bodybuilding is the first step towards masculinization

Bodybuilding is called the sporting direction, in which the entire beauty of the body is the muscle strength. And in order to help muscles reach the right volume, athletes take anabolic steroids. These drugs rich piana height have several ways of affecting the human body: they strengthen the bone tissue, help build muscle and reduce body fat. But steroid drugs are characterized by androgenic activity, which causes women to mum and masculinization.

Masculinization refers to the appearance in a woman of male secondary sexual characteristics. Clitorogramia is one of these manifestations. However, many physicians believe that the steroid doses recommended by specialists can not exert a strong influence on the hormonal balance, so their administration in moderate doses is permitted. Nevertheless, it is necessary to be extremely cautious about taking these medications and, if the first signs of an increase in the clitoris are found, immediately consult a doctor.

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