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Androlic 50mg (100 pills)


50mg (100 pills) of Oxymetholone (Anadrol) Body Research

SKU: 600 Category: Tag: Product ID: 215


Androlic is manufactured by the pharmacological company Body Research. The active ingredient is Oxymetholone. It is the most powerful anabolic steroid, which is available exclusively in the form of tablets.

If your goal is to gain as much weight as possible, we recommend that you buy Androlic.  It is the most potent tabletted steroid. Oxymetholone is used exclusively in courses for weight and strength gain.

We recommend Androlic to athletes who are over 21 years old and have completed several steroid cycles before. Beginners should not take it, as well as bodybuilders of a high age. The latter are more sensitive to the side effects of steroids, and the risk of liver damage or prostate cancer is increased.

Effects and properties

Androlic’s anabolic and androgenic activity is higher than that of testosterone, 320% and 45%, respectively. Unlike most anabolic steroids, Oxymetholone almost doesn’t suppress any testosterone production. This is because Oxymetholone does not aromatize into estrogen. Athletes who suffer from joint pain report that taking the drug makes the pain go away. The fact is that Oxymetholone stimulates the accumulation of large amounts of water in the muscles and joints and ensures the production of synovial fluid, which gives the effect of lubrication for ligaments and joints, thus restoring them.

Oxymetholone actively increases the number of red blood cells and excludes excess oxygen, which leads to an increase in muscle strength and makes it possible to train intensively, without any damage to the muscles. Androlic is simply not capable of giving you qualitative muscles, but it is certainly the preparation that provides large muscles and strength. Oxymetholone is the most potent preparation in bodybuilding. It has shown remarkable results: 15kg of gained mass for a course. But do not get so excited about it because 30% of the gained weight is just liquid accumulated during the course, and it will soon be gone.

The thing about Androlic is that it quickly saturates the receptors of the body, but soon after the course starts, its activity drops dramatically. So, it kicks in almost immediately but just as quickly stops working. To avoid this, you need to either increase the dose or switch to another anabolic steroid.

Usage and dosage

The usual dosage of Androlic is half a tablet to 2 tablets (25 to 100mg) daily. The course can last from four to six weeks. If you weigh more than 100kg, your dose can be increased to 150mg/day, but the course should not exceed four weeks.

Combinations of Androlic with other AAS preparations

Androlic can be composed with Parabolan, Deca, Primobolan and Anavar, but if you are sensitive to the side effects of steroids, it is preferable to use it solo or with drugs with low androgenic levels. Taking it with testosterone, for example, will lead to side effects because both drugs have high androgenic activity. Widespread practice is to stop taking Androlic and temporarily switch to Testosterone Enanthate or Sustanon 250. Professional bodybuilders prefer to use Oxymethelone with Trenbolone or Sustanon.

Androlic side effects

Men in prepubertal age – masculinization, symptoms of idiopathic skin hyperpigmentation.

Men at puberty age – bladder irritation, priapism.

Older men – hypertrophy and/or prostate cancer.

General effects – impaired liver function, pathological changes in the blood.

Please note, that these effects that are noted above, will not usually occur if the dosages and durations of the cycle are followed. It is only in the case of the drug’s abuse or intolerances to this dug, that these effects are seen. 

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