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Testorapid (vial) 10ml vial (100mg/ml)


10ml vial (100mg/ml) of Testosterone propionate Alpha Pharma

SKU: 580 Category: Tags: , Product ID: 179


TestoRapid is an injectable steroid by Alpha Pharma that is frequently used by athletes to gain more lean muscle mass, strength, and endurance. Testosterone Propionate served as the foundation for the creation of this anabolic. With no water volume, it has a constant, persistent effect.

Bodybuilders often use it to get prepared for competitions and get over their fear of going on stage. Its brief validity duration is two days at most. It is simultaneously effectively eliminated from the body.


Benefits of taking Testosterone Propionate

  • Minimum fluid content while maintaining high-quality muscle growth.
  • Enhanced strength and endurance indicators.
  • Enhanced libido, motivation, mood and appetite.
  • Increase of strength of bones and joints.
  • Quick recovery after exercise.

The drug begins to act fast. Almost immediately following the initial few doses. Within a few hours, the effect becomes noticeable. There are relatively few, side effects to Testosterone Propionate. Because of this property, even beginners can take it.


Using Testosterone Propionate

This is how testosterone propionate is often received:

The maximum weekly dose allowed is 400mg. The starting dose for the drug should be 50mg every other day.

The cycle duration should last no longer than 1.5-2 months.

The drug must be used with other AAS like Stanozolol, Methandienone, Trenbolone, etc. to get the best effect. Combinations vary depending on the goals, the training regimen, and the diet being followed.


Side effects of the drug

Testosterone Propionate has fewer harmful effects on the body than other esters. There is no liver toxicity. Like all testosterone-based products, the drug from Alpha Pharma accelerates the aromatization process. As a result, side effects could take the following forms:

  • Gynecomastia.
  • Baldness.
  • Skin irritation.
  • Increased perspiration.
  • Extreme aggression.
  • Heightened irritability.

The likelihood of side effects is quite low, provided that the proper dosages and cycle length are followed.

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