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Testo-Cypmax 10 ampoules (250mg/ml)


10 ampoules (250mg/ml) of Testosterone cypionate Maxtreme

SKU: 542 Category: Tag: Product ID: 105


Testo-Cypmax by Maxtreme Pharma is an injectable steroid based on Testosterone Cypionate. Testosterone Cypionate is very similar to Testosterone Enanthate, although the half-lives and the active state are different. The Cypionate version of Testosterone does not require frequent administration. Testosterone Cypionate is the king of those who strive to gain weight without the need for high financial cost.

Since this steroid is considered to be a long ester, after the first injection it will not cause a special effect (as, for example, from the impurity). It is dispersed over a long time (10 – 16 days), so the effect will begin to be felt when it is fully dispersed (10 to 16 days after the first injection).

Features of Testosterone Cypionate

Positive effects of the drug include:

  • Increased protein synthesis in the body
  • Increase in the ability to recover after training (much faster recovery)
  • Helps restore joints
  • Increases oxygen capacity of blood
  • Effective muscle growth (over 6 weeks you can add 6 to 10 kg of muscle)
  • Minimal impact on the process of fat burning in the body
  • Effective growth of strength indicators
  • Increased libido (erection and sexual desire)

How to take Test Cyp

Like any long testosterone ester, Cypionate does not need frequent injections. It takes one injection per week to maintain this steroid at the proper level. Such rare injections lower the chance of pain, redness and other symptoms in the injection sites.

The weekly dose of Testosterone Cypionate is 250-500mg. Beginners should start with the minimum amount but experienced athletes may increase the dose up to 1000mg per week. Injections should be done 1-2 times a week.

The duration of a Testosterone Cypionate course is 6-8 weeks. Do not violate this recommendation as it will not improve the results, but only bring damage to your health.


Testosterone Cypionate is effective both by itself and in combination with other substances. The main task of this drug is an effective set of muscles and strength. Advanced athletes combine this drug with Testosterone Propionate (the first 5 – 6 weeks is Cypionate and the second 3 – 2 weeks is Propionate). As you can see, Propionate is connected at the end of the cycle. Also, some people use Cypionate during the drying period, but this is very rare. Most often it is used to put on mass.

Testosterone Cypionate is also perfectly combined with oral medications such as Methane, Stanozolol, Turinabol, etc.

The disadvantage of Testosterone Cypionate (as well as any long ester) is that the post-cycle therapy can only begin 15 – 20 days after a cycle (that is why it makes sense to inject Propionate at the end of the course).

Side effects

Testosterone Esters are considered to be fairly mild anabolics. However, improper use and abuse can cause baldness, gynecomastia, acne, increased facial and body hair growth, aggression, increased blood pressure and excessive fluid retention.

A significant disadvantage is a susceptibility to aromatization. The active ingredient can be converted to estrogens, which increases the risk of serious disorders in the body. To minimize damage to health use Proviron and Gonadotropin in a dosage of 1000 units once a week.

Caution: Drugs such as Testosterone Cypionate reduce the production of the natural hormone, which may result in sluggishness at the end of the course, kickbacks and decreased libido. To restore the normal production of endogenous testosterone, you need to arrange a PCT with testosterone boosters.

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