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Suspension 100 10ml vial (100mg/ml)


10ml vial (100mg/ml) of Testosterone suspension by Dragon Pharma
SKU: 717 Category: Tag: Product ID: 341


Suspension 100 by Dragon Pharma is a pure testosterone solution. Following injection, Testosterone Suspension is instantly, actively, and quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. The substance can hardly be found during doping check because it immediately starts to work and doesn’t take more than 24 hours to vanish completely. The use of this drug ahead of performances and competitions is therefore common.


Benefits of taking Testosterone Suspension

The drug’s quick impact, which is evident as early as the second day after administration, is its principal benefit. Numerous favorable evaluations of the drug attest to the fact that you may dramatically boost your muscles and other physical strength indicators in a relatively short period of time.

Some effective properties are:

  • Fast half-life.
  • Rapid muscle gain.
  • Improved muscle definition.
  • Increases strength and endurance.
  • Burns fat cells.
  • Increased libido during use.

How to take Testosterone Suspension

Small white crystals make up the testosterone solution. It is possible to see how the crystals fall to the bottom of the ampoule after a few minutes while bubbling water stays on top, giving the suspension its name: water-based.

It is best to dilute the drug with saline because it draws heavily into a syringe. The injections themselves are incredibly painful.

Injections should always be made in various places on the buttocks because Testosterone Suspension takes a while to dissolve.

Due to its brief half-life, the drug must be injected frequently. To prevent responses at the injection site, the daily dosage ranges from 50mg to 100mg, and the injection is given at a different spot each time. The typical length of stay is 6 to 8 weeks.

Combining Test Suspension with other drugs

You must provide one injection of 1000IU of gonadotropin each cycle week if you are running a lengthy cycle of suspension. For less painful injections, several advise combining the drug with Novocaine solution or Lidocaine.

The best combination for developing lean muscle mass is Testosterone Suspension combined with Equipoise and Nandrolone. In this case, it will be advisable to administer two drugs simultaneously from the syringe.

To reduce the discomfort of an injection, Vitamin B12 can be added to the syringe along with Testosterone Suspension. The substance will improve the performance and acceleration of other steroids.

Testosterone side effects

Hair loss, skin issues, and gynecomastia are possible side effects due to the drug’s increased androgenic activity and potential for aromatization. Women and those who are hypersensitive to the drug, as well as those who have kidney issues, are not advised to take it.

The risk of side effects decreases if you take gonadotropin and antiestrogens as prescribed and adhere to the dosage instructions.

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